chapter 5

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"yeah, and also mate..... "

Charlie's pov

" I think Im in love with her ".

" aww char honestly you two would be the cutest together and you should make your move "

" I know but Leo, normally girls text like as soon as they get your number, well if there stuck up your arse but it's been 6hrs since she got my number and she still hasn't text me "

" man, your overreacting !! Girls sometimes are just nervous to make the first move ".

Maisies pov

" Leah, I need to text him I just don't know what to say, because I don't wanna sound like a stuck up bitch "

" mais honestly just text him FFS "
To : char
Hey, it was nice meeting you earlier, hopefully we'll meet again soon xxx

" I done it, I just yoloed it "

Charlie's pov
⚫new message from Mais ⚫
Hey, it was nice meeting you earlier, hopefully we'll meet again soon xxx

To mais
Hey! If you want, Me and Leo aren't busy this weekend so do you and Leah wanna maybe do something?? Xxx

. New message from mais.
Yeah, Leah said sounds cool and where do you wanna meet??

To mais
The park by the beach??

.new message from mais.
Sounds cool

Omd stay strong and stay young
Sorry for not uploading in ages, I'm revising like mad for my exams this term
Peace love rubber gloves ~ Maisie

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2015 ⏰

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