chapter 3

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***3 hours later ***
Charlies p.o.v

" princess,can I maybe have your number? " I asked not quite sure if this could end well. "Yeh of course!" She screamed handing me her phone.

I handed her mine as well

Maisie p.o.v

"princess, can I Maybe have your number?" I could tell he was nervous as he stuttered quite a bit.


" Urm.... Yeh sure!" I said handing him my phone whilst he handed me mine

When we'd put our numbers in Charlie picked me up and shoved me against the oak tree behind us

Charlies p.o.v

I had to do something and fast. Just incase it was to late. I shoved her against the tree. And kissed her . hard

Leos p.o.v
Looks like there together now.... " I wish me and leah could be like that ! " oh God. I was thinking out loud

"Maybe we can Mr devries"

She shoved me on the floor and kissed me

Before she left I got her number

Worst chapter in the world: does anyone even have this in their libarys ??

Peace love rubber gloves ~ maisie xx

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