Attack part two

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Just wanted to say thanks for all the support and for 2k. I really appreciate it (:

anyway you all have a great day and take care of yourselfs <3

This episode has a twist but in a good way. (;

Tommy's POV:

"hold on is no one gonna ask who the other one behind the mask is?!" Sapnap screamed. They all looked at me.

"Heh... you don't even WANT to know." Dream said putting his arm around me. I felt The 2 best pvp 'gods' like they call themselves are on my side along with other good pvp players. They all protect me...

"Dream why are you doing this?!" George yelled.

"Well George, when people fuck with the wrong people they need to be... punished." Dream spat.

"Why do you all even care about him?! He's a fucking annoying child who never thinks about what he does." Tubbo said. With that my heart broke even more. The so called 'best friend' I had, always hated me and faked being friends. I became angry. Angry at the fact I always thought of him as a friend while he never did. Angry because everyone faked everything. Yeah maybe not my family and dream, eret and Karl but still. I lived in this country and fought for it. For the country and the people. What did they do? Nothing. They where just looking at me.

"You know tubbo? I don't really care anymore what you think of me. I just genuinely don't. But the fact you faked is just weak. What, where you afraid of telling me you didn't like me or something. Because you KNEW my family would react like this. I fought for this country. I loved it for what? To get stabbed in my back by the people I trusted. You thought my family hated me for staying so you took your chance to exile me so I would die out there alone but guess what. They aren't such a back stabbers like you all are. Dream helped me. Karl and eret aswell. They helped me while I wasn't even there for them as much as I was for all of you." I yelled out. I saw people's eyes widen in shock. Techno and Wilbur smirked knowing I became angry.

You see, every family is different but the 'sleepy boys'? The sleepy boys are a family with powerful people. Everyone has a lot of power but some of them want to hide it, like I do. Then you have techno, Phil and will. They show that they are powerful. Whenever we get REALLY angry our eyes start to glow. Techno's eyes would glow pink. Wilburs yellow and Phil's green. Mine glow red. You have to unlock the power before you can use it. How? You become angry to the point your eyes glow for the first time. Whenever you unlock it you'll become powerful. Green is the 'weakest' but is also really powerful. Yellow is decent of 'power' and pink and red are almost at the same. Which means if I unlock it I'll be as good as techno in pvp.

"MY family had given up SO much for this stupid country for what? You gave Phil house arrest for what? For being a good father?! Well I'm sorry that jschlatt didn't give you enough attention. Unlike Schlatt philza IS a good father. Takes care of every kid he has. Me, Wilbur and techno never had to worry he would give us up." I yelled. My eyes became a little glowing red. Phil nudged to Wilbur. He saw it to and his smirk became bigger.


"Well Fundy. Arent you the fucking son of Wilbur? Betraying your own father while he offered you to come live with them... what a shame. Maybe if you didn't you would stay alive. But now? No no to late."

"It's not like you can kill anyone. You're to weak." Tubbo spoke.

"Oh? Want to bet. Fine then." My eyes went full glowing red. You could see it trough the mask. People started to fear but didn't show it. I could hear Phil explain everything off the family.

"Theseus finally awoken. The blood prince" techno said smirking. Techno always called himself the blood god and when we were little he called me the blood prince and Theseus because pink and red fill eachother in. They fight next to eachother.

The blood god and blood prince. Brothers in crime. Fighting next to eachother to protect other family members. When red and pink both awoken no one could hurt anyone they cared about. They'd be death on sight.

"W-what's going on with his eyes..." Tubbo spoke in fear.

"Ohhhh little Tubbo scawed... please you told me I was the weaker one but now your all scared?" I said as techno snickered. I jumped down and grabbed my axe. As I was slowly walking to tubbo techno jumped down too.

"You're not doing this alone, Theseus." He said. I smiled. Having company from my brother gave me a feeling of safety even though I unlocked THE 'power' now. A minute later Dream jumped down too. Karl, eret, Wilbur and Phil stayed up to control the tnt.

Tbc (:

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