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That summer Izuku dedicated all his time into learning how to defend himself. He never wanted to be in another situation where he was too weak to do anything for himself.

His mom and dad allowed him to stay home for the last two days of school so he took that time to research what he could do to become stronger. Become something other than the limp noodle he currently was. There were a few things he was able to start on while he waited for his dad to finish tinkering in the shed with the new support item he was testing.

He started out with simple things like sit ups, squats, push ups and stretching his limbs out as best he could according to the person's video he was watching.

After watching and doing everything in the video twice he sprawled out on the living room floor and just laid there. Everything felt like jelly considering the most he ever did was run and climb things. It would all be worth it in the end though. He had to have something to build on when he finally tried to convince his mom and dad to put him into self defense classes.

Turned out though, he wouldn't have to try to hard to convince them pair. They came out later that night when his mom got home from work, his dad came inside to take a shower and they'd picked up all the dishes from dinner, that they had already been talking about putting him in something like the classes he requested. They wanted to do so for a while but hesitated on bringing it up with him, in fear that he'd think they thought he was weak or that it tied into something to do with his lack of a quirk.

After he was attacked though it had solidified for them that he would have to be put into some kind of classes. They explained to him that it had nothing to do with him being quirkless and everything to do with them wanting him safe. That they would be able to breathe just that much easier knowing that he knew how to protect himself against the horrible people that roamed the Earth. That they would be putting him in classes even if he did have a quirk.

They were glad that he was the one to bring it up first, that he came to the resolve to learn to protect himself on his own, but they both admitted that they would have brought it up sooner rather than later regardless.

Together they found a martial arts dojo not far from the house and signed him up for the summer classes. Thankfully the classes started a few days after when he would be going in to the doctors to be cleared of his throat injury. Till then he kept up with his little workout he had going on, adding on something new every few days when he found something else that caught his eye in his constant research for better ways to build up his strength.

Starting classes after getting the all clear from his doctor was. . . an experience to say the least.

Just like at school, he was quickly outed as quirkless and instantly hated for things he couldn't control.

He refused to tell either of his parents that he was being constantly "made an example of" in his classes though. They would pull him out in a heartbeat and bring the dojo to it's knees before they found another dojo to take him in that would no doubt be farther from home and result in the same exact situation.

He'd never learn anything like that. So he sucked it up and took the humiliation with a grain of salt. His parents were proud of him and the Eraserhead told him he could become a hero without a quirk. The kind detective told him he was brave for the little bit he did when he was attacked. You'll be hard pressed to find him slacking and letting down any of the adults he's come to admire greatly.

His mom, Midoriya Inko, was the best lawyer in Japan that specialized in quirk discrimination, abuse of all kind, workplace harassment and occasionally she defended villains that were unjustly handled by pro heroes and the police force. She was a strong woman that "took no shit from anyone" he's heard her be described as. Her nickname in the court room was the "Emerald Demon" but Izuku never truly understood the title. All he saw was his mom's soft smiles and warm hugs that always made him feel better.

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