Im obsessed... Shit.

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Okay I'm so damn obsessed, okay. Like seriously.
I can't stop thinking about Gorillaz.
I just like can't.
I keep going on the Gorillaz page, playing Plastic Beach the Game. That's so random lol.
Anyways, I keep going on about it to my mum and sister and bragging them about it.
I will go on youtube, and watch tons of videos. Like interviews, music etc...
I will go on eBay or Amazon and look at merchandise (as well as the Gorillaz site).
I will draw pictures of them.
I will stalk instagram Gorillaz fan page and official page.
I go on tumblr and stare at all the notes and blogs.
Twitter, I will go on and read and make tweets constantly.
Facebook, facebook, facebooook.
Seriously anything I can find.
I'm staying up to like 4am in the morning each night stalking Gorillaz, LOL. Well not really, my sleeping patterns fucked and I have school soon ffs.

I just went on youtube and saw all the Gorillaz videos in my recommendations and was so tempted to click on them. I had to simply click off youtube and write this blog!

Idk what to do.

Still tho. I seriously can't wait till Phase 4 :) but then we have to wait another damn 5-ish years for Phase 5, etc...
The most worrying thing is when Gorillaz is going to have to stop. I'm sorry,I had to say it :(.
I hope like they can make a time machine, and make all the Gorillaz convert back to a younger age so they can make music again :D
Anyways, yeahhhh. Might make a new chapter, on what happens after Gorillaz end :(

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