chapter 12-🤍car ride🤍

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you ran to your mums car which was

parked outside Millie's and Louis' house

and jumped in soaking wet from the rain

"y/n," she said inspecting your face

"mhm," you replied wiping your tears off

your face hoping it would look like rain

"have you been crying?" she asked concerned

"noo just the rain mum," you replied turning your head to

face the road ahead ,so you wouldn't make eye contact and

start crying again, even though she hadn't even set off yet

"y/n those aren't rain droplets on your face,"

you turned and looked at her

"are you okay?" she asked

the words made you burst out into tears and your mum

leant over and hugged you tightly

"tell me everything," she asked whilst you were still

wrapped up in her hug

you told her everything what happened since you felt

like you could tell your mum everything and

knew she would understand you

"shit, mum we're going to be late!" you said finishing up

the story and looking at the time

"umm language miss and don't worry, they delayed

it anyway because the rain was too heavy so one of

the judges for the audition wouldn't make it on time,"

you breathe relieved,

"thank god,"

your mum began driving and you looked back at Millie's

and Louis house to see a face peeking out of a curtain in

one of the top rooms, as soon as you looked over, they

disappeared, you thought about who it would be on the way

home and realised who's room it was

you rolled your eyes and looked out the car window and watched

the rain fall,

it was Louis bedroom

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TYSM FOR ALL THE SUPPORT <3

sorry its so short but ill try and upload one ASAP which is either tonight or on like saturday night (its thursday night where i am rn)

ly all

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