14(no music from now on)

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After we were done we went up to our dorms when I heard a knock and I hoped it wasn't malfoy and it wasn't it was Pansy she came to spend the night .The next morning I walked into class like the bad bitch I am and all the boys looked at me and i looked over and so was malfoy.After class I went to go find Cedric and I saw him making out with cho and that was that and we were over.
1 week later
Harry was struggling on something and Draco comes around saying
"Why so tense pottah"
"Suck my dick malfoy"
I turned and said to him
"Aww does little Ellie need a her mommy oh wait you don't have one"
"That's it STUPEFY"
And Draco goes flying across the room
"Next I will Avada kedavra you"
And he runs off and I continue to help Harry.
1 month
Me and Draco started talking again and I was happy but we going to leave and I am staying and that's means I would have to be around him a lot more ..

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