Chapter 7

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"Time's up guys, come on out!" Kevin, one of the guys on the council, told us as he burst into the room, interrupting Aaron as he was explaining to me how he thought Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda intentionally left Luke's surname as Skywalker in order for him to be a distraction for Darth Vader once he found out about his existence, what with the galaxy connecting him to Clone War hero Anakin Skywalker and all that, and as a result that was what helped to bring down the Empire. A distraction, as opposed to just the Rebel's efforts. Had I ever mentioned how perfect this guy was for me?

"Seriously? It's nine already?" I asked, shocked that I had completely lost track of time. Now looking around me, I realized that outside the window was dark, creating a mirror effect on the sheet of glass, allowing me to only see my reflection and that of the two other men occupying the white empty room with me.

"Yup! Come on out whenever, Jones is just getting ready to make another speech. As if one wasn't enough." Kevin said, before rolling his eyes and leaving the room.

"So, that was interesting." I stated awkwardly after a few seconds of silence, as we both stood up and stretched, the sound of popping joints echoing in my ears. Apart from our two bathroom breaks, we hadn't moved all that much, instead preferring to chat to one another or just sit in silence. I never thought sitting in silence with Aaron would be so nice, considering we weren't all that well aquainted with each other or anything, but it actually was. I couldn't describe how it felt, but all I knew was I liked it almost as much as chatting to him. And I liked chatting to him a lot.

"Yeah, it was." He simply said as we just stood there for a moment. It then occurred to me how they had to almost drag me in here and now I didn't want to leave. Today really didn't do me any favours whatsoever, in terms of 'project kryptonite' and even in regards to my own sanity. He was just so perfect, it was heart wrenching. Well, if I were to face the reality of the situation, I'd have to admit that even without Grace, Aaron and I ever dating would just be a fantasy really. Someone that perfect would not in their right mind even think of giving someone like me a second glance. Me, the average brunette eighteen year old who tended to creep her friends out a little too often to be considered normal. The eighteen year old who had so many different issues she could practically sell them. That wasn't the type of girl Aaron Hartmann would like and that thought made me feel a whole load of emotion I did not want to be feeling right about now. Sometimes living a fantasy was so much better than living a reality.

"So, I guess this is it?" I started, as I gazed into those fascinating brown eyes once again. I'd been doing way too much of that recently, hadn't I?

"I guess it is," he said as he looked right back, his gaze unwavering, while I took an audible gulp. Was it just me, or did the room temperature in here just increase by a couple of kelvin?

"Thank you Aaron, you made this whole situation far more bearable." I told him truthfully, when I realised we were just standing there looking like complete idiots. Well, I was just standing there looking like a complete idiot. 'Aaron' and 'idiot' were two words that didn't really go together, in my opinion.

"No problem, and er, you did the same for me too." He responded, seeming unsure of himself. There was no viable reason that one sentence should both delight me and send me into a pit of despair, but it did. What on earth was wrong with me?

"Friends?" I asked, sticking out my right hand, despite knowing the fact that we would never really be more than two people who once in a while might just say 'hi' to each other if we crossed each others path on campus, but I still felt that the word was apt. We may only be acquaintances, but friends sounded nicer, at least to me.

"Friends," he said, seeming unhappy with the word but still taking my hand anyway. My God, I wanted to kiss him right now. I really, really did. You know one of those really cliché kisses with the cheesy music and everything? Where the leading lady just looks into the man's eyes and the entire world seems to stop for just a moment? Well I wanted that right now, more than I even wanted air. And that was saying something, considering I wouldn't survive too long without that precious gaseous gold that we all took for granted. Now I sounded like the lead supporter for some crummy 'Save our Air' campaign. I repeat, what the hell was wrong with me?

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