I hope you dance

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A/N First Welcome ! Thank you for choosing my story , As I stated in my disclaimer this is a Sesshōmaru x Rin Fanfiction if you disapprove of this ship please don't read :) I will also refer to some things based off my story (Mark Me) incase you get confused,  This Story will be from Rins POV ,  Enough talking let's ride !

"My Lady , Tinjaros fever has yet to calm" A simple village man peeking into my hut whispered , I had become accustomed to not having a moment's peace Kadae , Passed last year leaving many maternal burdens upon my shoulder such as helping the sick or helping deliver a child into the world , Kagome had left 3 years ago to fulfill her duty as Luna at Koga's side and soon after Kadae left us ,  inyuasha disappeared as well , Occasionally kagome would visit , Sango helped me alot while tending to occasional petty demons in our area while Miroku took work in different villages a young girl who came had come into age had also began training to help but still , The only Thing I truly  looked forward too were my visits from Sesshōmaru and even he over the years he came less frequently . I would find gifts left in my hut from him but I never saw him , How I longed to once again be at his side , It hurt to think he simply "Dumped me off' and did not even care to come spend time with me. I quickly shook off my negative thoughts and gathered my herbs to help the village man , A harsh winter had came and left many sick and without crop . I entered the hut and looked at the man even though sick he wore a smile "Hello Tinjaro how are you feeling today?" Kneeling to rest my hand on his forehead , "I'm just a bit flustered" I could see he was worse then he let on his hair was a mess from excessive sweat , & His face was a deep red from his fever . I administered the herbs I had crushed, "Rest now I will fetch you some fresh water" He was young and fit I had no doubt he would recover ,

Giving him gentle smile I Rose to my feet , "Thank you Lady Rin perhaps when I am better I can return the favor" Playfulness in his voice the heat shot to my cheeks , "Yes , Perhaps" leaving the hut to head to the river , I had been in the village years now

I knew men talked of me but because of Sesshōmaru they did not approach I guess they have noticed his absence as well , Looking at myself into the water I no longer saw the little girl in a checkered kimono , I was a woman of 20 soon 21 my bosom was filled and my body craved  , Though my duties lied in the village my heart yearned to be at my Lords side again always wondering and traveling .

A few days passed and I was in the fields picking herbs when a I was Tinjaro approaching me , "Hello Lady Rin" I looked up and saw he was indeed better he looked healthy and vibrant " Oh , Hello Tinjaro I see you are feeling much better!" ,

He flexed his muscles in a playful way "That's right, so much I even mustard up the courage to maybe see if you would accompany me on a walk for it is a fine day" extending his hand towards me  , I was flattered , Tinjaro was the only man in the village who had courage to approach me , We were always at each other's side when I first came always getting into trouble as I tried to escape my responsibility from Kadae ,  I always declined for I knew where my heart lied ,  but that never stopped him but today was different in a few moons I would reach the year 21 , And I ached for affection but I was withholding my heart for him... thinking of kagome I can't say that I don't understand growing tired of a love never to be fulfilled but I wasn't kagome since a small child I held my faith in Sesshōmaru and I always would I knew I was grasping at air and although I was a woman he still saw me as his ward it didn't change my feelings however I wanted attention so blindly I took his hand .

A smile as bright as a midsummer morning spread across his face I couldn't help but giggle , We walked along the river bank till nightfall Tinjaro was a kind charmastic , Optimistic man our conversations ran naturally , Finally we sat along the grass as the moon and starts glowed our patch " Ms Rin I must thank you for allowing me to be your company for the day , you do so much for this village since our beloved Kadae Passed  & Everyone admires you and while you wear a smile I sense no happiness from you Rin , Why is that ? " Hearing Tinjaro say this made my heart flutter , Was I that easy to read to him ? Interesting. " Tinjaro I will be honest , I love the people in this village , I love seeing the faces when I help make someone feel better , I love seeing the simplicity of village life but no I am not happy or more so I don't feel like I belong here before I came to the village my life was full of thrills ,

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