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Cancer. One word that manages to ruin so many lives, one word that has managed to ruin my entire life from the age of six till today. Let me explain a bit. When I was six my twin brother died of cancer and nine months ago we found out my mom had cancer as well. It's been hard, I have tried to be strong and supportive but the pressure to be happy and smiley has become too much. I need to get away, at least for the summer. My parents are completely cool with it an my dad has said that he will keep me updated. It's going to be hard but I need this.

My name is Kassie and I have been training to be a sort of leader this summer at Camp Moon Lake. I know it sounds like a total hippy camp but it is supposed to be super fun with a lake, a zip line, a crazy fun cabin and lots of fun people. I got the list of campers last week and there seems to be a wide verity of kids from all over the country.

I walked around the camp with the check-in clipboard it finally felt real. I was going to have a happy, care free peaceful summer.

Suddenly the camp was full of kids all everyone was checking in. One of the first kids to show up was a small brunette with a box that twitted and then went to go sit below a tree and write. Next was a pair of twins, a boy and girl, named Connor and Emily an after them was this crazy tall guy named Nick who I am not going to say was super freaking cute but he is really freaking cute. The last person to show was a boy who seemed to have major attitude and slammed his car door an was wearing way to tight skinny jeans and was back talking what I assumed was his father. He seemed like trouble, I hope he doesn't ruin my summer.

What the hell is this? An update? What is that? I have no ducking clue. Artists I need you to PM me so I can get your characters in or else I'm gonna make shit up. Also I am picking actors/models to play out characters so comment if you have an opinion of who you want as your character. I'm sorry this is so short though I am lacking inspiration after I deleted Spray Can.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2015 ⏰

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