Meet the Campers part 1

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Being the youngest of four boys can be hard, especially when you're the "trouble" child and the rest of your brothers are next to perfect. Don't believe me? My oldest brother Sam is 24 and has just finished med school at the top of his class, after him is Nate who is 21 and is going into law school, Jacob is next at 19 and he is currently at boot camp preparing to become a marine. I am last. My name is Dakoda, no not Dakota that is a state, I go by Koda though and if you call me Dakoda I may punch you, hard.

I have always been kind of....hyperactive, so to prevent me from breaking any more of my mother's vases my parents put me into gymnastics at the age of six, really I just broke more vases by flipping off of the couch and running down the hall. I was a happy child, following the foot steps of my brothers being a so called perfect child. Everyone told my dad he was the luckiest man, having four wonderful sons. But that all ended when I was 14. My parents got divorced, my dad left the house and my mom threw herself into her work. Sam had already moved out and was in college, he rarely visited pretending that if he wasn't around it wasn't happening, Nate was forced to be my "dad" driving me to practice and meets making sure that I looked presentable and was eating. Jacob took on a whole new role as my bully, it didn't help that two years later at 16 I came out of the closet. That's where our story really starts.

When I first came out nothing really changed but then I met Shane. Shane soon became my everything. He was 18 and had tattoos, he may have had some what small addiction to a few drugs and a drinking problem but I didn't care, he was cute and gay and treated me like a man not a little boy. Shane got me started on cigarettes telling me that they would help with my weight, making sure I stayed small for gymnastics, and then pushed me to drink with him. I won't go into to much detail but lets just say that being drunk and a virgin is never a good mix, it hurts.....a lot. I thought my parents didn't care about me and my brothers were all out of the house, my dad even married a 28 year old bleach blonde tramp. But apparently that didn't mean he didn't care because suddenly I was being told that if I didn't get my attitude together and dump Shane then I could kiss gymnastics goodbye, I didn't believe him but boy was I mistaken. He did much more then take away gymnastics, he took away everything I knew and sent me to....Summer Camp.

"It's to fucking bright out here, and what is that smell?" I asked irritated as I stared at the boring landscape flying past my window.

"It's called sunlight and fresh air, Dakoda. Please will you stop?" My father pleaded, it really was sad how far I had pushed him.

"It's Koda, I refuse to be called Dakoda." I snapped at him.

"Fine, Koda please just make the most out of this alright? I don't want to have to keep you out of gymnastics forever, I want you to be able to compete next season but I will not put you back in if you don't have a serious attitude change." I just sighed, I had heard it all before but I didn't think he was serious. Breaking up with Shane had been easy, I didn't actually love him but I did love gymnastics. And I was determined to get it back.

We pulled up to a large open space of land with a couple of wood buildings, a fairly large lake and tons of trees everywhere. I smiled but then quickly turned into back into a grimace, at least there was a lake here. As well as being a gymnast I was also a lifeguard last year and I am still qualified. My dad opened his door and walked toward the back of the car, I got out as well making sure to shut my door with a little more force then necessary.

"Did you really need to leave all I those things in your face?" My dad asked. I rolled my eyes, I happened to like my snake bites. "I mean Dakoda, sorry Koda, you have such a nice face why would you ruin that?" He blue/grey eyes shown with hurt, out of all of his sons I looked the most like him and me getting piercing was like a stab at him trying to make myself look different.

I looked away quickly and saw teenagers all waking about; girl with white/blonde hair and blue tips, a pair of what looked to be blonde twins a boy and girl, a red haired boy reading a comic but the person who really caught my eye was a smaller boy sitting on the ground writing down something while talking to what seemed to be a small blue bird.

Being sent away by my family was heart thumping at first, knowing that I was going to be out of my room and near others. I remembered though that my parents had a "job" to do, my brother was a major jerk and my sister thought that she was queen or something. Being the youngest means having to be in the middle of arguments and being picked on like a dinner plate. But it could be worse....

I was woken up for my first day I summer camp by the sounds if fighting, apparently my stupid, idiotic brother had messed with my sisters make up...again. I scowled as I listen to them argue, try were probably going to drag me into this as soon as I walk past them. I hurried downstairs to only sees more on the table stating that my mom had left us breakfast on the counter and dinner in the freezer and that dad had made lunch and it was in the fridge. I turned back around and jogged back up to my room glad to be leaving.

Packing my bag I picked up my bird, Liz, whom I rescued when I had snuck out late one night for a walk. I looked at Liz, smiling I placed her gently in a shoe box I had modified to keep her safe, hoping that she wouldn't wake. I finished packing and dragged my bags to my sister's car. For a fleeting second I was actually happy, I was actually going to get out for the summer, but then I wondered if I was going to get bullied again, at a camp where no one will know who I am. But at least that would be better than staying in my room, waiting. At least this way Liz could have open space to fly in and be free, and I would be able to just find a secluded spot and write in peace. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

I got oh of my sister's car taking only my pack pack and Liz's shoe box with me, which my sister had actually thought was a pair of shoes. Walking away from the car with a wave goodbye I looked out at the summer camp. "Wow" I said to myself as I opened the shoe box letting Liz fly out and on to my shoulder. I smiled as I walked toward what seemed to be the main cabin. I say down in the grass waiting for someone to tell me where we had to be. I pulled out my journal and started to write about the camp, how it felt to be in such a peaceful and relaxing place and the possibility of making new friends all while quietly whispering to Liz every now and then. Suddenly I felt like I was being watched and I looked up to see stormy grey/blue eyes looking at me while seemingly ignoring the older copy of himself.

A/N: I thought I should probably explain a bit about this story. For those of you who don't know, this story is based off of a group on an app called Spray Can. On spray can you can draw anything you want and this group draws campers at a Summer Camp. I draw Dakoda and I thought turning all of what wangling on over there would be a cool story. At the end of every chapter I will explain who draws the main characters mention in the chapter and probably thank them for helping me.

This chapter a HUGE thanks has to go to BunnyBlu or Bunnyblublue her on Wattpad for her OC and for co-writing this chapter. Thanks bae you are the best. I hope this chapter is as good as we hoped.


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