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Anakin and I, weren't friends. That's for sure, we would always do things to annoy the other, or try to get the other in trouble. Like today, i was going to the gardens of the Jedi temple, when it say's, "DO NOT RUN NEARBY PLANTS" .

 And I was, going to walk until anakin came in, with some sort of animal, and it started charging at me, making me run to get to the nearest water to run into. 

And as soon as i spotted the lake, a jumped in and it stopped chasing me. 

Anakin came running after me after 'walking' nearby the garden, laughing his ass off because of me. He feeling bad, reached his hand out, and of course as soon as i took it i pulled him in with me. By now the creator went running off somewhere.

"you are such an ass!" i yelled and splashed water at him.

"it said 'no running', and you ran." he said splashing me again.

"wha-" i was cut off by him pulling me to a hiding spot, in this curved area.

"sh" he put his hand over my mouth as i had furrowed eyebrows.

He eventually took his had back, and said "i think obi-wan or mace came out because of the noise of your yelling" he laughed.

I was about to push him but he pulled me closer so they wouldn't find me, not like they couldn't sense us, but they didn't. Why was i getting butterfly's, and started blushing. I dont like anakin!

"anakin-" and he pushed us underwater. 

For what felt forever, which was 10 seconds, he went back up now, as i tried to hid my coughs. We both knew they were gone, giving up cause they sensed us and knew it was us from the beginning, but Anakin and I didn't want to leave each others warmth, as we now saw each other diffidently.

He grabbed the back of my neck, and pulled me closer kissing me. As i froze up and didn't know what to do, until i kissed him back. It was a nice, sweet kiss. Until we both started kissing each other passionately. 

We both pulled back to catch our breaths, and when we did we both laughed and got out of the warm water, that now felt cold because of losing anakins touch for a second to get out.

When we got out, obi-wan was there smirking. Having a 'know it all face' on. Anakin and I looked at each other and back at obi-wan.

"I see you've both got along? by... kissing?"  obi-wan laughed.

"how did you see- we were under that" I pointed out where we hid to him as i spoke.

"y/n-" anakin tried to say something but obi-wan's AND mace's laughed filled out ears.

"the force it is" Yoda chuckled, as it seemed all the masters were there, but it was just the three. I think.

"were happy you two are finally getting along" mace put his head up in pride.

"owe me 10 dollars you do" Yoda said, as my eyebrows furrowed.

"what?" Anakin questioned.

"made a bet your masters and I did." Yoda said again answering his question.

"Won i have" he bragged.

As the both masters started a bit of an argue from his 'brag'. I on the other hand was a blushing mess.

Anakin took my hand and led me out of there, to his quarters.

"I don't know how long I've waited to kiss you y/n" he admitted.

I smiled up at him in awe, "anakin, i really didn't think you felt the same, so I kept it quite"

While i was talking, he admired my features, and came closer cupping my cheeks and smiled down at me.

"I've been in love with you since i met you, i just didn't know what the feeling was and got made over it" he said and started leaning closer in to me.

I leaned in, closing the gap and out lips met. I enjoyed the kiss as our lips moved in sync.


2 years later, Anakin and I are married.

With two kids, which are twins, Luke and Leia. Leia is so much like ani, its like she was his own twin. Anakin said Luke was like me. 

As i came around the corner with a gift for them. It wasn't a special occasion or anything, but a special gift.

"whats this mommy?" Luke asked as Leia peeked her head out.

I gave him a smile "why don't you and Leia, go get daddy and meet me in our room." i said and patted his back. He ran off with Leia as I went to my room, and waited for Anakin to come back inside. He was building a play-set for the twins, which i thought was the cutest thing ever.

"mommy!" Leia yelled and came in with a confused anakin.

"hi" i said and kissed him as they sat down with me on the bed.

I passed over the gift to them, and as they opened it, it revealed something that can change into a data pad for anakin, a drawing pad for the twins, and other stuff.

"I know it's not much-"

"i love it!" they all said and smiled at me.

I gave them a big hug and Luke and Lei went to go play with the new play-set, and the pad.

"thank you so much baby" he said and layed down on the bed cuddling me. "they love it, and so do I" he mumbled as he was tired from all the work he'd done.

"thank you, for this amazing life, and for the kids new play-set, that you've worked so hard on" i said back.

I felt myself getting tired as the kids came back in and climbed on us. We moved apart a bit so they can squeeze in and cuddle with us. 

They didn't have there nap yet, and so they were also tired from the long day we all had. We all fell asleep in each others arms.

I woke up one or two hours later, and resized that we had obi-wan and satine coming over for dinner.

"c'mon guys, lets go play outside while we wait for uncle kenobi, and aunt satine." anakin smiled as they ran out of the room, energize from the nap.

"want help with dinner?" he asked.

"no, its ok you go play with them, i'll come out in a bit" i smiled and he kissed me as he went to go with Luke and Leia.

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