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This is like a dark anakin, so like your trying to save him from going to the dark side, and its not like the movie kinda, and in the begging is like the last time anakin sees obi-wan before the fight, but its gonna be different.

I ran over to obi-wan, my old master seeing as though he was leaving for his mission. s i stood by my best friend anakin, we both said our goodbyes as he left to the hanger.

"so, what are you gonna do while hes gone" I asked anakin as we walked back to go to his quarters.

"I dont know, maybe go talk to the chancellor?" He said as we took a left into his room.

"why are you always talking with him, he never talks to other padawans or generals really, just you." We plopped down on the bed and just stared up fo a while.

"well maybe he likes me the best" he smiled as I just rolled my eyes at his ego.

Later on we talked for a bit, seeing as though we were both getting tired we fell asleep on each other and cuddled. He woke up and shook me up too.

"what? I was sleeping" I whined.

"I think I'll go talk to the chancellor, just stay here if you want, ok?" He said and i hummed in response.

I fell back to sleep pretty quick not bothering to ask anakin to stay and cuddle cause I know he wants to go and talk to the chancellor, and lately its been a lot of times he does.


I've been up for a while, and I went to go eat and walked around until i got bored and went to go see anakin because he has been in there talking for a while. As i walked up to the doors of the chancellor's door, I heard light sabers ignited and hurried inside seeing Mace, Kit Fisto, and Agen Kolar fighting the chancellor, which had a red light saber. Wait. He must be the Sith we've been looking for! But did anakin know?

I looked over to him, seeing as he looked back at me, I gave him a look as to saying 'what the hell is happening'. He took me out of there and to the hall knowing it as somewhere under control.

"Did you know all a long that he was the Sith!?" I asked in disbelief.

"y/n-" He took a deep breath before saying the rest. "-He told me that the Dark Side could save the ones I loved, and I've been having dreams, seeing you in such pain and I couldn't help it y/n" He finished.

"I pushed past him and before i went in to help mace i said "anakin, I'll be fine and I promise you that, you'll only make it worse by going to the Dark Side" as soon as I said that I went in and helped mace out, seeing as anakin did the same too.

"Im weak, anakin help me" palpatine said, and as I looked over to anakin i shook my head knowing that he's a Sith and that he can't be weak just from this with only two of us, as the other three stood behind us just in case.

Kit Fisto and Agen Kolar came in and killed him for once and for all. I hugged anakin knowing he trusted him, and that he went through a lot, thinking it was the right path, but no it wasn't.


As we all walked back into the council room, I stood behind anakin, seeing all the masters back, even obi-wan. I guess this is important.

"Anakin, we realized that you have trusted palpatine, and a seeing as you have been attache to someone you were willing to turn over to the wrong path and that path is the Dark Side, right?" mace asked.

"yes, and I am truly sorry I-" Anakin started talking but I interrupted him.

"He got manipulated by him, I could tell. I knew anakin my whole life practically, and he's been off, because of palpatine." I said.

"true that is, mediate and practice more you must" yoda said as he could sense the anger and hatred in anakin going away.

"Anakin Skywalker, after this evening and as you didn't know that palpatine was a Sith Lord, you have gained my trust and i assume others as well. And you will have to practice to get all of the anger and hatred out of you like yoda has said." mace said and as he continued to say important stuff as to tell anakin that he has to fight it threw I looked over at him ans smiled. "And I grant you to be a master as well" As he said that I looked over at him with shock and happiness, as he looked the same as well.

"Thank you master, you don't understand ho important this is to me, and I know im not training anyone right away, it will take time" He said, and if i said i wasn't shocked at his words i'd be lying.

As they continued to talk, I went over to obi-wan and said hello.

"I must say I am very proud of you y/n" he said and I gave him a confused look.

"what are you talking about obi?"

"Even though attachment is forbidden, anakin does truly love you-" I blushed at his words and looked down for a second "- and if you weren't there to help im and tell him, that your truly ok i don't think he would listen to anyone else." He laughed at his own words as I smiled.

"Thank you master, I must go now. I'll see you later" I said as I walked to anakin and told him we needed to go.

"Congrats by the way ani" I smiled up at him as we made it back to his quarters to talk.

"I couldn't do it without you y/n, seriously." He said looking deep into my eyes.

I have had a huge crush on anakin since we were little, but was good at keeping it a secret. But since obi-wan has said that I think I've been trying to tell anakin even thought obi-wan didn't say it too long ago.

And i couldn't keep it in from telling him that I love him. 

So, I said it.

"I love you anakin" I said, shocked that I actually said it.

He smiled and leaned in and kissed me, "I love you too y/n, and have for a long time" he said and kissed me again.

We've been married for three years now, an those three years have been the best years of my life. Luke and Leia are always jumping around, a but too hyper I would say. But this is the best thing I could have every imagined.


I was like no no it will make sense.

It really didn't though-

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