Chapter I - Lucifer

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The gods were really starting to get on my last nerves. They should just learn when I would like to be left alone. I couldn't seem to hide from them either. When was the last time they found me? Maybe two hours ago. They never seemed to stay away longer than that.

The past few days, I'd hardly slept, I've eaten whatever I could scrounge, leftover food, leftovers, and even stale bread. I need new clothes as my current clothes are torn and burnt. I've only survived this long due to me taking a dip in all 5 underground rivers. I don't quite understand how it works, but I haven't been hurt by anything, including Zeus's lightning bolt. I can't keep going much longer —where to run?

I scanned my surroundings, under different circumstances I might've enjoyed the view. I looked to my right, and I saw a ripple in the world, not like the other ripples that have been appearing since I got betrayed. The normal color is pastel green, but this one is a glowing dark purple. I decided to walk closer to it, and as I got closer I was able to see something inside it. I saw a throne room made of gray stone with purple streaks, that look similar to the ripple in the atmosphere. They were all around, it looked as if purple lava was just thrown around the room. I stuck my hand on the inside and it felt good, cold but not too cold.

A wave of despair washed over me, and I wanted to escape the gods so much that I decided to go in. Immediately upon entering this room, I felt a connection, as if my soul was being pulled into the room. I felt at home as if I've been at work for a few months and I finally came home and laid in my own room. I suddenly felt immense pain, and I saw my whole world turn dark.

As my eyes opened, I saw a being whose appearance consisted of terrifying, monstrous red skin, blazing, fiery-red eyes, gold teeth, and fingernail claws. He had no hair and he looked burned and scarred. You could see his skull if you looked hard enough. He had demonic bat wings sprouting from his back.

I instinctively reached in my pocket for riptide, just to be reminded of how it got taken from me, just like everything else.

"Who are you?" I asked this mysterious figure "Why I'm Lucifer, you little handsome devil" he answered me in a British accent. As I was thinking of a Greek being named Lucifer, my mind pulled me over to the devil cast down from heaven. "Lucifer... as in the devil?" I asked and I heard his voice in my head and I immediately knew what this place was. It was a pocket dimension that Lucifer created to hide from HIS father, after escaping hell. What is this place, I thought to myself and how did I know this?

I did a quick look around, and I looked over to the throne behind Lucifer. On the throne sat a sword that resembled Riptide, but black and purple. "What's that?" I asked him and he looked over to what I was looking at and responded with "Arcane. It's the Lazarus sword, it can bring anyone to life, and they will be under your control. You can see through their eyes, hear through their ears." "Wow, that's... weird. How do I get back to earth?" I asked and I got the sudden urge to sit on the throne "Go sit on the throne you little devil, you will receive immense power, and we could help each other!" I actually considered it before I remembered he was the Devil. As if he read my mind, he formed a red orb in his hand and threw it to my head.

I was in a city. Everyone seemed so happy. Everything changed and I saw Lucifer falling. I somehow knew what was happening. He had just gotten cast down from Heaven because he had a different opinion than God.

'He's just like me' I thought to myself and I immediately was jolted awake. "So, you're not evil?" I asked and he replied with "No, just misunderstood. Similar to you, Percy Jackson." I took a leap of faith and sat down on a throne, I felt a rush of energy go over me, and once again I felt immense pain, this time it was everywhere. 

\Author's Note/
I originally designed this chapter to have one thousand words, but I didn't want to expose too much information too early, but it will give me more time to work on Chapter 2. Chapter 2 will come out either tonight or tomorrow. When it comes out I will delete this Author's note.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2021 ⏰

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