Sleeping on Call

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     Fundy woke up at his desk. He sighed, this was what? The 3rd time this week? It wasn't his fault, the calls he had with Dream would always go late into the night. "Oh? You're finally awake?" a voice came from Fundy's headphones which resided on his head lopsided. In return Fundy had screeched as he fell back in his chair. A loud thumb was through the mic as Fundy was whining in pain from the fall.

"Shit. Are you ok?" Headphones fell off Fundy's head and laid on the floor. Fundy shuffled around getting off the fallen chair. He stood picking his chair up, finally looking at his monitor. He was still in a call with Dream. He groaned, realizing what had just happened.

Shuffling was heard before a familiar voice rang through Dream's headset. "Heyyy..." Embarrassment clung to Fundy's words. "Didn't realize i was still in the call" Fundy sat back in his chair stretching his sore back a bit. Loud wheezing rang through Fundy's headset. He couldn't help but blush, if anyone asked it was from embarrassment. Not because Dream's laugh made Fundy's stomach flutter and heart race.

Although Fundy shouldn't be embarrassed that he loves Dream's laugh. They were dating after all, even if it had only been 2 weeks. The wheezing seemed to be replaced by over exaggerated breathing as Dream tried to calm down. "You don't have to laugh at me" Fundy pouted, even crossing his arms, though no one could see. "Sorry sorry" Dream chuckled out failing not to laugh. Fundy responded with a quick hum.

"You're ok though, right?" As funny as the situation was, Dream was still worried for the fox. Fundy felt his face flush from the concern laced in Dream's voice. "Y-yeah, I'm fine" Fundy scolded himself for stuttering.

A few minutes passed of the two making light conversation. Apparently Fundy had once again fallen asleep during a call with Dream. Usually Dream would stay in the call for a bit before saying goodnight and leaving. This time though, He wanted to be there when his boyfriend woke up. "You should stop hanging out with tommy. He's rubbing off on you" Fundy had joked at the sudden clinginess from his boyfriend.

"Speaking of tommy, he wanted me to join his live stream." Dream gave a quick pause as thought of how to word his next sentence. Fundy gave a hum to let Dream know he was listening. In case that was why he had paused. Dream smiled before continuing, "Do you want to come with? I can always call later tonight."

Oh, Tommy was streaming right now. Fundy smiled, finding Dream absolutely adorable in that moment. "It's too early for tommy right now" Fundy sighed, god knows he couldn't deal with tommy being so eccentric all the time right now. Dream chuckled, "isn't it 8pm for you?" oh, it was. Did Fundy just sleep through the entire day? "How long was I asleep for?" Fundy questioned, he looked outside to see the sun pretty low down.

Fundy mostly spent the next few hours catching up on work he slept through. He was putting away his newly clean dishes when his phone rang. Fundy shoved the plate into the cabinet before grabbing his phone from the counter. "Hello?" He quickly answered not wanting it to accidentally go to voicemail. "Hey Fundy, are you going to sleep anytime soon?" it was Dream, Fundy quirked his head, confused, "You know i just woke up 6 hours ago right?"

"Yeah sorry, i just wanted to do a sleep call" Dream admitted, which sent Fundy red. Before he quickly shook his head. "I'll be the only one sleeping, which isn't really fair." The time difference between Florida and the Netherlands was 6 hours apart. Which meant it was the afternoon for Dream while nighttime for Fundy. So unless Fundy stayed up really late or Dream went to sleep really early, they wouldn't fall asleep together. "Fundy, it's 2am for you and 8 pm for me. Perfect time for both of us to go to sleep" Dream chuckled, next time he'll have to wake Fundy up so he didn't sleep all day.

"Oh. OH!" Sudden realization hit Fundy. "We can both sleep on call!" He was excited, maybe more excited for someone who's about to sleep. But that didn't stop Fundy from smiling widely.

Fundy lay on his bed, the only light shining from his window and his phone. They had switched to discord, while Dream kept asking Fundy to turn his camera on. "Oh come on, I wanna see you!" Fundy smiled, as stupid as Dream's request was. How was Dream supposed to see him? There weren't any lights, which he had told him. Finally Fundy thought of a way to get him to stop asking. "Only if you turn your camera on." He wasn't serious, just joking but he hoped it'd stop Dream' whining.

Then suddenly Dreams icon turned into a loading screen. "Shit Dream! I was joking!" Fundy sat right up staring at his phone screen. There were so many things that could show up, Total darkness, the ceiling, literally anything but his face. I mean, Fundy wouldn't actually mind seeing Dream's face. They were dating so it wouldn't be weird if Dream showed his face, would it?

To Fundy's surprise, there, on his phone, was a face. Dream's face. Fundy stared, suddenly wishing Dream's room wasn't so dark. He could just barely make it out, but even then he knew, he was fucking hot. His hair barely reached to his shoulders, 'wavy length' as Dream called it. "Can, can you turn your light on?" Fundy wanted to see more clearly. He wanted to know if he had freckles or if his hair was really blonde. Dream moved in the camera, a wheeze accompanying it. "You can see my face clearly in the morning, if you turn yours on" A quick laugh came through the phone. "Come on, we had a deal"

They did have a deal, so with Fundy red faced he turned his camera on. A small smile laced Fundy's lips. It didn't take long before the two fell asleep. Fundy was excited for when they woke up, so he could clearly see his boyfriend's face. But even then just that barely visible video was enough for Fundy to fall ever deeper in love.

- 1064 Words -

Second fic :]

Sorry if there's some grammar mistakes i couldn't bring myself to read it over, but i did want to post it. 

I am open to critizism.

Vote for my story if you liked it!

Then, baye have a good day/night!

Sleeping on Call FundyWasTaken One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now