the perfect date

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me and y/n were sitting in the warehouse, waiting for the boys to finish filming for the reaction channel, we are gonna tell the boys about us. y/n is nervous, in all fairness, I am as well.

its about 30 minutes later when the boys walk out of the filming room. we look at them nervously, " what are y'all looking at?" Chris asks jokingly. " actually, me and y/n need to tell you guys something" I say to them, smiling shyly. "yes?" jimmy says, " you better not have gotten them pregnant?!" chandler says. I look at y/n with a weird face, " dont worry chan, its not that" y/n says laughing a little, they look at me, then turn back to the group.

" me and karl are dating.." y/n grabs my arm smiling, I put my hand on their knee. " oh, wow. happy for y'all.." jimmy says, "..anyway" he continues to talk about future things for the channel, I space out, feeling happy and accepted. I turn to y/n and give them a warm smile.

y/n POV

karl looks back at me, and smiles. I smile back, feeling happy, I lean back on the couch, I have my leg over Karls. hes looking forward, but all I can do is look at him, hes so pretty. hes my pretty boy. I smile, looking at him. realizing how in love with him I am, and how lucky I am to have met him in the coffee shop, I was sad at first when I got fired from my last job, but then found this one, and met karl. I looked away from him and saw Chris looking at me, like a proud brother. he nodded at me and smiled, then went back to listening to jimmy and the boys. I space out again..

I guess I fell asleep because next thing I know karl was shaking me awake, asking if I wanted to go home. I nod, and he pulls me up by my hand. we hug then walk to his car.

"kar, where are we going?" I ask looking around, noticing that we weren't going to my house, " I know your tired, but I wanna take you somewhere." he says smiling, I smile back, he reaches over and grabs my hand, holding it.

we pull into a grass field, I look out onto it, seeing candles in the distance. " we are here" he says, smiling and giggling a little. I look at him, we gestures to get out of the car, so I do. I follow him to a blanket with candles around it, we sit down, he reaches in a bag near him and pulls out a wine bottle, filling two glasses with it, and handing me one. he leans over and kisses me on the lips. he leans over and turns on music, turning down, so we have background music.

we drink our wine, then fall back on our backs, looking up at the sky, we are sitting in a comfortable silence when he giggles and rolls and props himself on his elbow.

he smiles at me," what??" I ask, smiling sheepishly, "I just wanna say how much I appreciate you y/n, you have no clue how bad I needed someone when you came into my life." he said, it made me tear up a little bit. " karlllll, your adorable, but you have jimmy, and chandler, and Chris" I say, adoringly.

"Your right I do, but not for what I needed. I needed love, I needed someone like you to notice the little things, Chris does a lot, but not nearly as much as you. nor did he learn them as fast as you did." he let out a little giggle.

"you were just a barista at a coffee place I liked going to, the first one to actually write my name correctly, even though I told them all how it was spelt, the first one to smile when I walked in and smile, or if you weren't my barista, you would still say hello to me, and ask how I was." he sat silent for a few seconds, smiling, looking at me. "you came in at the right time y/ have no clue. I need you.. I don't know if I would have made it out of the month if it weren't for you... the way our friendship started was so cliché and adorable.. then we kissed and it just fit like a puzzle. I've talked with Chris, and he really likes you. so do jimmy and chandler, but it means a lot that Chris liked you, he has a kid.. and if I'm gonna have someone in my life, he wants to be able to trust them around his kid.. and lets just say, my past relationships did not go too well.. I had chosen not to trust him, and then got hurt. but I trust his judgment and he says you're a keeper." he winked at me, then leaned in for a kiss.

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