Chapter 11

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Tubbo POV——

I had woken up a little early, and I really started thinking about what Tommy said. It was so... depressing... I knew he had gone threw some fucked up shit, but I didn't think it was THAT bad.

I wanna ask him, but I'm kinda scared. What If he runs away again? What if we don't find him? What if- I should stop thinking about this. Right now, I should worry about Tommy. Keep an extra eye on him. 

As my thought stops I feel Tommy slowly wake up. I look down, seeing the blue eyes slowly flutter open, seeing his expression grow into a more neutral look. My little brother is so precious...

I don't know if I have the right to call him that, but I don't think he would mind. I mean, he didn't say we wouldn't like it- But then again he didn't say he did.... I just won't say it out loud!

He sits up, rubbing his eyes slowly. He blinks a couple times, trying to adjust to the light coming from our window. 

Tommy: H-Hey Tubbo.....

Tubbo: Morning Tommy, did you sleep okay?

Tommy: Yah... And about yesterday-

Tubbo: It's fine, I understand. You don't need to worry.

Tommy: Okay.. well what do you wanna do?

Tubbo: Wanna go to the park?

Tommy: What are you? Five?

Tubbo: If the shoe fits!

Tommy burst into laughter, making me smile. He doesn't seem to laugh often, nor does he smile. So when he does, it warms my heart. He looks so happy when he smiles and when he laughs... I wish I could see it more often.

He gets up from his spot, grabbing some clothes out of the dresser. He changes out of the other clothes, letting me see his skinny body. 

I need to make sure he eats. I could see his ribs! How is he still alive- He better not die on me. 

He finished up, brushing out his hair with his hands. He looks back over to me, smiling lightly as I get up. We walk out of the door, telling Phil where we are going. We walk along the sidewalk, talking about who knows what. 

We arrive, seeing that it is fairly empty. We run over to a large mangrove tree, seeing it's beautiful  leaves create a calming shadow over us. 

I sit down in the grass, seeing Tommy standing over me. He has a smirk on his face.

Tommy: See, I am taller than you!

Tubbo: No! I'm sitting!

Tommy: Oh well. 

Tubbo: Shorty.

Tommy: Nerd.

Tubbo: I'm proud to be called a nerd!

Tommy: Hey Tubbo...

Tubbo: Yeah?

Tommy: Do you think I could climb this tree?

Tubbo: Maybe. Are you gonna try?

Tommy: Hell yah

Tommy grabbed onto one of the branches, using it to pull himself up. He sits down one the piece of wood, not disrupting the tree at all. He then gets back up, and climbs farther into the tree, he is now a couple feet in the air. 

Tubbo: Tommy! Your gonna fall!

Tommy: No I'm not- OH SHIT

The branch under Tommy breaks with a snap, sending him down. He falls on his leg, catching himself a bit.

I run up to him, checking if he is okay.

Tommy: I'm fine, just a little scratch!

Tubbo: Okay... but we should still clean it up!

Tommy: Fineeee

The two boys walk back to the home, I check on him a couple times on the way there. He seemed fine, but with Tommy... who knows.

Tommy POV- 

We finally arrive at the house, I let out a sigh as I open the door. I see Techno on the other side, his expression softer than usual. He looks down to my leg, a sad expression grows onto his face. 

Before I can do anything, he pulls me into a hug?!

Finally Free () A Tommy Adoption Story() Sleepy boi's inc. + TubboWhere stories live. Discover now