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I kept my eyes trained on my sneakers.

"Look at me." He ordered. I peeked up at him.

“It's alright Aliya,” He said softly, “I knew we had to move sooner or later. At least now we can spend some time with our families.” He smiled at me.

I smiled back half heartedly. We both knew me going home wasn't going to end up well. We both had left promising that we'd comeback only when we had a job and a good pay. For Blaze, money was something he wanted for college. In my case, I needed money to look after my family. I was the sole breadwinner.

God! I miss Papa and Mama. The real Papa and Mama. Not the shell they are now.

I wasn't the only one who missed Mama and Papa. Blaze did too. They were like a second set of parents to him. And we were like twins born from different parents. He was my best friend. My partner in crime. My brother, if not by blood, then by heart. Our families used to get along well. We were from Iran and Blaze’s family was from the USA.

“So we have to pack up.” Blaze said, once again snapping me out of my mind.
“Yeah. But not today. By Sunday I guess.” I said running a hand through my ponytail, removing the tangles. It was weirdly relaxing.

“Okay. So we can begin our job hunt today ?” he asked giving me a toothy grin.
I nodded. He smiled at me.

“Okay then. I’ll go change.” He told me. And left.

I took my phone and headphone. Then I checked myself. I looked okay, I suppose. A white t-shirt and a pair of washed blue jeans. I went to my tiny room and opened my wardrobe. I took the blue blazer there. I put it on. I secured my black hijab and looked at the mirror. Yeah, I looked okay. I put on my black mask.

I walked out of my room. Blaze was already there. He was wearing a white shirt and a pair of blue jeans. He looked up from his phone when he saw me. He had a black mask too. He grinned at me. We matched.

“Great geniuses think alike.” We chorused.

And laughed. Inside joke. We used to do and say the same things by accident almost all the time. It’s like we have this special twin psychic thing. Even if we really aren’t twins. I’m older than him by two months. Something I constantly remind him of.

“Well then shall we go, my lady ?” he asked bowing and opened the door for me.

“Why yes we shall, kind sir ?” I said and did something I hoped was a curtsey.
I walked out and he followed me. We walked to the metro station. It’s the cheapest way to travel.

We went inside it.

After punching our cards we went up and waited.

I was about to move closer to the door when Blaze grabbed my hand.

“Wait! What about this. I’ll go red line, you go green line. We'll see who gets a job first.” He said.

I grinned, “Game on.” I said.

This was his way to lighten things up! Green and red line are two paths of the metro. And doing this as a game means more chance we'll get the job. We're very competitive of each other.

“Doors opening.” The voice said again.

I ran into the train. “Prepare to lose, loser!” I yelled to him as the doors started to close. The people in the train gave me the stink eye. I didn't care. I never do. These people don’t know anything about me or my life. I can’t afford to care for them.

Blaze grinned.

“Doors closing.” The voice called. The doors closed and we were off.

I sat down on one seat.

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