chapter 3

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My pov.

Izuku was confused, he was now in a underground traning field with tenko and the mysterious man yesterday that introduced himself as all for one.

He didn't know what's all for one was thinking so he's not leaving Tenko by himself, all for one had stated that it was for training but Izuku isn't putting his trust on the old man.

He was at the back looking at both of them fight, Tenko was now on a scratching spree he was overusing his quirk by getting rid of some solid thing that all for one was making to block Tenko's path.

Izuku discovered that the scratching thing was Tenko's quirk back lash, if this goes on Tenko's own skin would bleed.

But Izuku sat still, he couldn't interfere, its Tenko's choice, but if something snap his alarm off he would make a move.

Izuku was wondering what is all for one's quirk, and started analyzing him on a alarming speed like a scanner. His eyes followed his everymove, everymotion and everybreath he takes.

"All for one: using multiple quirks, can't idetify the original, but it seems like a type of quirk that copies or stole quirks based on my analysis, he's not experienced at using quirks that's not his... But still dangerous"

He was still analysing the old man, when his eyes met his, Izuku avpided it once again. While all for one was distructed Tenko took the chance and charged.

All for one was surprised and brought his hand up ready to unleash a powerfull wave of fire, Izuku's eyes widen as he snapped as danger screamed at him.

He float fast but not enough, he is late. Tenko moved his arms up shielding his face to block the fire it's not enough.

Izuku cried, and cried to reach his friend as the big wave of fire slowly... Very slowly approached Tenko... A tear slipped from Tenko's eyes, he was afraid for the upcomming pain he was going to feel.

NO!! Izuku cried louder, everything seems to stop, fire was already inch apart from Tenko's arms that was shielding his face but then the fire seems to obeyed izuku cries and slowly turned into nothing.

All for one halted, he almost killed his student while Tenko was surprised that severe pain didn't came although there was a little burn on his arm that fire seemed to touch.

Izuku on the other hand was so mad, he almost witnessed another death of someone he only has left and the ugly man standing on the corner was the cause of it, he was angry, so angry.

He slowly approached the ugly man, although all for one can't see him, he can feel the presence of someone ready to murder him as cold air touched his face.

Izuku waved his hand, he didn't know why but he has the urge to wave something. Suddenly all for one was thrown across the training ground an his back was slammed againts the hard wall, Izuku's form his hand as if holding him still.

Anger, hatred and madness seems to find its way to Izuku's heart and it was pointing againts the ugly man he was holding. All for one was surprised by the sudden force but then came to reality when he was pulled away from where he was being hold and got slammed back as the hard wall cracked againts his skin.

All for one winced at the sudden pain sensation he was feeling, the quirk was not powerfull and hadn't yet trained but he was caught off guard.

He laugh when something came into his mind.

Steal it.

He looked around the room to see the person who has the quirk that's currrently causing him pain, he darted his gaze towards tenko who was busy holding his arm frowning.

Not him (dumbass).

He still looked around to find...nothing.

Wierd... Very wierd.

Izuku's head was hurting but he was so mad to pay attention to it, his quirk had gotten hard to control and its getting weaker, his almost transparent body wavered.

No, he need to teach the ugly man a lesson, he was about to do a pulling and slam thing once again but Tenko's worried voice stopped him.

"Izu? It's fine, im fine see? It doesn't hurt" it hurts fuck but there's no way Tenko will say that, he hold his arm towards where he feels izuku is.

Izuku finally released all for one, and came beside Tenko.

"really? Are you ok? Its bleeding ten-chan..." Izuku said attempting to hold Tenko's arm but his hand just came through pass his skin.

Izuku frowned trying harder, and finally cold tiny hands touched Tenko's burning wound, moving his hand in a circular motion on it as the burning pain eased, Tenko was glad cuz it fucking really hurts.

Izuku found out that if he consentrate enough he can touch solid things and that's also the reason he bump his head on Tenko's solid door room.

Izuku was now calm on Tenko's back as he hugged his shoulders. Tenko's smiled, his friend is really protecting him, Tenko came running towards Kurogiri at the bar that's just upstairs of the underground training field and he seems in a light mood telling the purple mist bartender what happened and how izuku protected him.

Kurogiri was slightly mad at his boss for the accident that had accured, that attemted murder, but luckily a friend was there with him to protect him from harm but just a small wound.

Kurogiri wondered how Izuku can he use his quirk when he was a spirit? Oh well animals can use quirks too its not very surprising.

They happily ate as Kurogiri served Tenko a food with Izuku wiping some crumbs on Tenko's face here and there with a handkerchief that kurogiri gave him since he can't eat.

While all for one on the other side got out yelling "WHO IS IT?!?" ahh poor him, a spirit just beat him up and yeah? Who's gonna tell him? None.


Night came by, and Tenko was pacefully sleeping his breath was calm until his door opened with a not so lound soft 'creak' sound.

A cold wind woke him up as he heard a tiny voice.

"Tenkoooo~ what have you done to me~ rawr!" Izuku wispered attempting to scare a tipsy Tenko that just got woke up from his peaceful sleep.

Keyword: attepmt.

"you aren't scarin' shit Izu... And it was supposed to be 'awoo~' not 'rawr'." Tenko said slightly laughing as he heard a huff beside his ear.

"ok take two: Tenkoooo~ what have you done to me~ awoo~" Izuku said bringing his hands up in a from that made him seems scary allthough Tenkocan't see him, his friend just stared on his way blank.

"ok fine 'oh dear~im so scared'" tenko dramatically brought his hand up to his cheeks making a fear face as they both burst out laughing..

Ahh very peacefull night between two happy friends

- I_shall_live

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