Game/fandom: Omori
Warning: SPOILERS FOR THE GAME OMORI!!! Watch the game playKel, Aubrey and Hero was visiting Sunny and Basil. They decided to visit Basil first since Aubrey wanted to say sorry for bullying him, Hero wanted to say sorry for not standing up for him. While Kel on the other hand, he wanted to visit Sunny, he wanted to see him... After they "talked" to Basil (Just talking to his body hoping that he could hear them) they stood up, looked at the window and they saw...
They quickly ran down and tried to go catch him but he fell to fast, and when they got to the bottom, his body already hit the ground, he's dead...There was pool of blood, there was no hope for him... And they decided to go to Basil's room now... They had lost two of their friends! Kel blammed himself for Sunny's death, HE COULD'VE SAVED HIM! But after the day Sunny died, Basil had woken up by the crying of Aubrey... (Basil's voice is raspy okay)
Basil: H-hey Aubr-ey... Wh-y are you cry-ing?
Aubrey: B-BasiL! Your awake! I'll go tell the others!
Basil: Wa-it! PLEA-SE! I don't w-want to b-e alo-ne aga-in..!
Aubrey: O-okay Basil, I'll just text them... Do you want to see Kel and Hero?
Basil: Sur-e..!
Aubrey: *talking on the phone* hey guys!
Hero: Yes Aubrey? What's the problem? You never call, you only call if there's something wrong or you got a problem
Kel: Aubrey why are you calling?
Aubrey: Well, Basil just woke up! And here, you can talk to Basil*Aubrey passes her phone to Basil*
Basil: Hell-o gu-ys...!
Kel: *snatches phone from Hero*
Hero: ᴴᴱʸ ᴷᴱᴸ ᴳᴵⱽᴱ ᴹᴱ ᴮᴬᶜᴷ ᴹʸ ᴾᴴᴼᴺᴱᵎ
Kel: Hello Basil..! How are you?
Basil: *sees Kel's eye red and has light dark circles under his eyes* and his I'm f-fine Kel! But... are YOU okay Kel?
Kel: W-what do you mean basil?
Basil: You seem like you cried a lot
Aubrey: (I guess he's acting like Hero when Mari died...)
Kel: wait, Basil... Did Aubrey tell you..?
Basil: Wait I'll as-k Aubrey...
Kel: Okay!
Hero: Now give me back my phone*Basil puts Aubrey's phone down*
Basil: So Aubrey, what's the news!
*Aubrey feels something crawl up her spine, seeing Basil smile and telling him that his best friend died... It was going to hurt Basil... This was his only smile after 4 years, she knew she had to lie... *hmmm, seems familiar? But instead of doing what they did, they lied by pretending that he didn't die.*Aubrey: O-oh! Well... Sunny just moved yesterday...
Basil: Wait what!? W-WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP!?
Aubrey: We tried but you didn't respond... Here's a note he left on your cabinetDear Basil,
I 'm sorry I had to move away... I tried to convince my mom to let me stay, even just a week but she declined.. I am very thankful that your best friend! Even if we haven't talked for 4 years, your favaorite ^-^
Aubrey: You guys sure were were close huh?
Basil: Y-yeah we were...
Aubrey: Hey Basil can you pass me my phone?
Basil: sure!*Basil passes the phone*
Aubrey : Hey... Here, *Gives Basil his phone* call me if you need anything... And don't worry! Hero's going to be here in 10 minutes so you won't be lonely!
Basil: Thank you Aubrey...*Aubrey leaves the room and goes to the stairs* (NOT THE STAIRS)
Hero: He'll still be hurt
Aubrey: How's Kel? He seemed to be crying a lot since he died
Hero: ...He.. He' stopped socializing with some people... But he's still talking with us
Aubrey: Hero, you here now?
Hero: Yeah, I'm comin'It had been a week now after Sunny's death, basil still think that Sunny moved away and sometimes send letters (that's just sad ;-;) Kel started to become sadder and sadder, but, KEL USES FAKE SMILE. IT'S SUPPER EFFECTIVE! While Aubrey looks at the old letters that Sunny used to give her (NOT CANNON) And Hero, well tries to comfort Kel like a therapist; they also share the book that Basil gave Sunny so they can remember all of their old memories :'(. The Hooligans even visit Basil to say sorry! But luckily he accepted their apology :D! Basil started to trust them more and more, trusted them enough to tell them that he had hallucinations(?) about these black things... And they called a therapist for him! And after a few days the hallucinations started to go away a bit! But the guilt is still there... Should they tell Basil what ACTUALLY happened to Sunny? Or do you guys want them to meet ghost Sunny and Basil? :D