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Katelyn is one of the five. The trails is what people call them , but they rather be called "for the better".Before it all started she was sitting at home doing her online school since covid happened everyone said it would eventually end and everything will go back to before. But it's been almost 6 years and it's still the same but worse the population is only 4 billion. The second one of the fives is pedro. He is a sophomore. pedro hasn't been "ok"since the accident. He was just sleeping in his car wishing he didn't have to go to the mandatory check ups in town. Pedro had been a little skeptical and had worring a lot more so he can't go to the check ups and everyone knows what happens if you don't go to the checks ups . No one knows for sure what happens he only knows as far as what happens to his best friend mich when he didn't go. No one had seen much since The third one out of the fives is kendall, she was only 14 when it happened. Her life wasnt the best or the worst. Her parents were divorced, she lived with her mom in washington and went to her dads in florida for the summers. Everyone thought she was the happiest person on the planet but they never saw her ankles, has she only wears pants and is constantly checking to make sure no one could see her ankles. The 4th one of the five is bella, she was 12 when it happened she just started 6th grade. Bella was always the type of girl that would lie. She was always the "attention whore" she would make stuff up to get anyone else in trouble, she would fake cuts and pretend that she was harming her self and she never was. The 5 of out the five is jacob he was only 15 when it happened. He went to the same school as kendall but they never knew they would ever talk to each other they would catch slim glimpses of each other every once in a while but not for long only for a couple of seconds. Jacob was the not silent but he was kind of the silent kid, he didn't seem like he talked to many people, but he was friends with the popular kids. We part of for the better (or also know as FTH) do not much about jacob but we will soon.

The Goverment Van Houtan


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2021 ⏰

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