idk what to name this

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Third person pov.

Bakugou is on his daily run. He loved working out. He loved the way his muscles burned after a workout. He also had band rehearsal with his friends later. This man was always working, doing something. He didn't like being lazy, or slouching around.

Bakugou even had a skincare routine. He actually spent about an hour on his face. He even let Eri-Chan do facemasks with him. Eri was his favorite child, and she's his biggest fan.

Before his skincare routine he makes a decent meal, he had always been good at cooking. After his skincare routine, he would watch a movie and eat popcorn. He always added quite a bit of hot sauce to his popcorn. Just for a snack at the end of the day. He makes up for it the next day though.

When he is bored he stalks his crush's Instagram page. He doesn't ever like anything all at once, because he didn't want to seem like a creep. He did enjoy Eijiro's muscular body. Bakugou is a major simp.
Kirishima is currently at the park, watching the ducks swim around. He didn't have anything better to do, and he really liked ducks. Kirishima doesn't normally make plans, he just does whatever he thinks is alright. He also does photography in his spare time.

He does work out often though, normally at the gym. He was one of the fittest men that went in there. He was pretty proud of himself. He couldn't cook, so for dinner he normally goes to Bakugou's house. Kirishima also stalked Bakugou's Instagram page. But there's a difference, because Kirishima wasn't afraid to like his story, and pictures he posted on there. He's trying to drop hints that he likes him.
Mina always has something to do, she's a fashion designer as well as she's a part of the band. She's always gossiping to her friends, as in Ochaco, Momo, Tsu, Jirou, ect. Y'know.. other females? Jirou is actually genderfluid.

Mina does her makeup often, gossips like crazy, designs clothes, and a bunch of other crazy stuff. When she actually does have free time, she listens to music and reads. She never really goes to Sero's Instagram unless she feels like being nosy. She always commented stuff like "ooo seggc" and "model material." it's obvious they like eachother, but they're both too nervous to say something about it.
Denki is signing autographs at the mall, he enjoyed people's happiness. He always had free time, and he normally spent it with Shinsou. He also watched movies, listened to music, spent time with Sero. He doesn't have a super interesting life.

He does have an interest in karate. Hes actually kinda good at it, not a pro, but good enough. It made him feel powerful.
Sero is currently at a party, drinking. He doesn't normally drink, he just felt like it. He liked watching people dance, especially when they can't do it right. When people fall, he finds it to be the funniest shit of all time.

Sero is also met with a bunch of fans out in public, and sometimes he can't get away from them unless he says that he'll call security if they didn't back up. Which was a stretch, he doesn't have security guards. Sero also practiced his Spanish. He speaks almost fluent Spanish, and he takes it to his advantage aswell.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2021 ⏰

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