Chapter 2 (2021)

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-April 11th, 12:30 pm-

No one's Pov

        Your phone buzzed during your breakfast. You picked it up quickly and entered your password, you were greeted by your wallpaper of you and your friends Kate and Rose. You smiled seeing a text message from Kate.

Kate: hey (Nickname)! You awake yet?

You: I'm wide awake Katie, what's going on?

Kate: you won't believe what Rose found when she was exploring! She want us to meet us there, she'd already sent her location on What'sApp. Lol.

You: hey don't judge her because she's using an app for old people, she's using it to communicate to her relatives back in Mexico.

Kate: oh Jeeps! your right! I'm sorry 😳

You: it's alright, just send the location already so we can get going.

   You giggled putting your phone down as you got dressed and doing your hair, you put your mask on grabbing your keys, wallet, bag filled with some stuff like food, medication, bandaids, Pads/tampons, water bottle, and some small weapons for self defense. (Like a extended staff, pepper spray, taser, and key chain to stab them)

      'Well at least Joe Biden is already handling the Vaccines, unlike that fucking orange shit' you thought as you grabbed your phone and walked out locking your door behind you.

You made your way to your car and unlocked it, you got in and start the engine.

You put the map for directions of course it's all the way in the Kwik trip, you drove your way there to the location.

You parked your car near the entrance and got out to see Rose and Kate nearby, you ran up to them "guys!" You said happily "hey (Y/N) how's it going?" Kate asked smiling "yeah it's great to see you again" Rose said happily.

"Well Rose I heard from Kate you got something to show us, what is it?" You asked.

Your Pov

        We both listened to Rose "so uh, I've heard about this place, it was abandoned since 1987 the employees working there suddenly disappeared and we're never found, so they decided to not hire any more workers fearing more lawsuits would be made against the company.. " She explains leading us to the woods

"And you sure you know where this place is?" Kate asked while she was on her phone.

"I'm sure of it! I just saw it right across where the Kwik trip is, I've asked many people about it and it's called 'Freddy Fazbear's pizza' which they say it was rumoured to he haunted. " Rose said

"That's really creepy Rose... " I said

"It's true though! Coming from this small town of Hurricane!" Rose replied

"Whatever let's just do this.. And get out, I promise my boyfriend I'd hang out with him.. " Kate said impatiently.

These are my friends Kate and Rose.

Kate is a tall, beautiful, and strong girl, she doesn't care or believe in the paranormal stuff, she wasn't a fan of horror genres like Rose, but she'd hang out with you guys since you actually got along. She has blue dyed frizzy hair, black skin, she wears make up which honestly would make Instagram have a ton of likes on her account. She's wearing this outfit.

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Frozen in time! (William Afton X Reader X Rod Sullivan) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now