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So I'm back with another RraHel OS based on the current track where celebration of helly's 10 years in the television industry happened

As usual it was a normal morning for helly she always been an introvert & down to earth person who never believed in going grand or show off for anything she achieved or got betrothed in her life.she always took them as moments of happiness which are part of her journey but this has to be different its going to be 10 years of her in this television industry.

Her phone beeped with congratulating messages from fans,warm wishes from family & other co actors & friends from industry but one thing that bothered her that rrahul haven't said anything to her she thought may be he don't know about this but then shoved this thought as due to social media its not possible to not know this.thinking all this she thought he might have forgot it & tried to be calm but deep inside her heart she felt a little pang of pain for this. Replying to few of the wishes helly decided to get ready for the shoot & hurried up packing her stuff.down to the sets whole way she kept replying to her fans feeling eleated to see their efforts to make her special day ultra special,out of them she got the request of fifafooz tv to conduct a live session on instagram with her to celebrate her decade journey,checking out her schedule from her assistant Akash she found she can give them time in her lunch break so she immediately agreed for the live.

After a good long ride of 1 hour she arrived on set where everyone was already present to welcome her with cakes,wishes & bouquets.Mansavi,Chandni,Riya,Nikita all hugged her one by one wishing her lot more of success,although vishal was not present but he already wished her on instagram.

After getting done with all wishes she looked at those two who didn't even acknowledged her presence .yeah the two who haven't wished her either personally or on social media .that were zayn & rrahul.everyone here is good friend of her hut zayn & especially rrahul are close to her .seeing them like that she felt a bit bad brushing off her thoughts she moved to her room to get ready for her scene. Today her most of the scenes are with rrahul she tried to look & sound normal but somehow the disappointment was reflecting on her face & this didn't go unnoticed by rrahul & zayn.after the scene when they both reached their room sighed deeply feeling bad that they acted like this way to her but what to do they both decided to surprise her & watch her reaction getting unexpected surprise from their side

While she reached her room back all tired mentally & physically she decided to take a power nape to refresh herself till her live.while on the other hand both rrahul & zayn waited impatiently for the surprise cake they ordered for helly to arrive. During the lunch time helly started her live with fifafooz tv in which after some time rrahul & zayn joined too & started pulling her leg in comment section while rrahul found it is perfect opportunity to surprise her in her room with cake in middle of her live,zayn somehow spilled the plan but helly thinking it to be their prank comment ignored it but suddenly when rrahul arrived in her room surprising her with a chocolate cake saying he brought it for her it brought a beautiful eye reaching smile on her face,continuing her live with rrahul she cutted the cake feed him too & the happiness & glow in her eyes & face made her look more beautiful.when she was asked how she felt on completing a decade in industry she couldn't say much but when rrahul asked her experience as a 15 year old teenager who came to an unknown world alone which could have turned dangerous too for her as we know what wrong things happens in industry to give roles & to stay here she spilled how she used to cry ,skipping lunch & at that moment when no one could see or acknowledge rrahul saw her unshed tears ready to spill out from corner of her eyes,he felt bad that how much she might have suffered alone to be here but at the same time felt proud that his helluu is the born fighter who is brave & strong.ending the live when rrahul was about to leave her room,he felt a tug on his hand looking back he saw helly holding his hand & hugged him tight,wrapping his long arms around her petite form he too hugged her tight keeping his chin over her head placing a soft kiss on her hair he too closed his eyes to live in the moment of their life

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