Episode 9: Unbinding

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Reis leapt into the air baring his blade. The Silver Moon turned crimson and gleamed off the edge of his blade as the apparition of the Kaignis King; a flaming terrifying wolf appeared behind him.

"CRIMSON MOON KAIGNIS SLASH!" Reis roared as he released his attack.

Moments earlier, he had defeated the Kaignis King in battle and recovered from the poisoning of his blood by the blood of the Kaignis King. Now he wielded the powers of the Kaignis King who embodied nature itself for Ryugaeia. Packs of Kaiser and Kaignis Wolves chased the rest of the bandits out of the village and pursued most of them till they were out of sight.

Reis' attack created a powerful force of flame and wind, strong enough to send the three leaders of the Maelstrom gang spiralling into the air. They screamed in pain and fell to the ground severely weakened and slightly scarred with burns.

Reis landed smoothly and sheathed his sword. The false dragons disappeared, the Maelstrom Prison technique was shattered and day returned to the Village Of Shades. Reis approached the leaders of the Maelstrom gang carefully.

"Im-Impressive Reis Dragonhäart. Surely, we underestimated you. But Erikkus Di Devilli doesn't. We've been cursed to die if we ever lose to you. I suppose our time has come but before we die, I want you to listen..." the one called Suiryu motioned to Reis to draw closer to him.

Without dropping his guard, Reis approached him carefully. As he did, he began to notice that the pain of the Maelstrom gang leaders was growing immensely.

"R-Reis D-Dragonhäart; beware...the Wyverns; captured rangers still alive...dragon rangers...destruction...soon. Beware most of all...the generals of the spirit fusion!" Suiryu said and then he became still and silent.

"Hey! What do you mean?!" Reis asked worriedly.

"Don't bother, they're already dead" one of the remaining bandits said.

Some of the other bandits were still brave enough to hold their ground against the wolves till Reis ordered the wolves to retreat.

"Wh-What did he mean? Wh-What are Wyverns? What did he mean by captured rangers?!" Reis demanded an answer.

"Heh! Like underdogs like us would know anything about that! If you're going to kill us all then just get on it with it" she scoffed disapprovingly at Reis.

"And what would I gain from doing that?! I just wanted some info. If you don't have it then get lost already!" Reis yelled at her.

"That Di-Devilli. I'll never forgive him. This is the second time now that he's toyed with our lives. Of course our leaders were dumbasses for attempting to play with a snake once bitten but they still deserve a decent burial" the girl bandit said as she motioned to some others to carry the body of their leaders.

"She's one heartless lady" Reis thought with a scared expression on her face. "She sure reminds me of someone else" he said without realizing he was thinking aloud.

"Oh? I'd be interested to know who that other person is" he heard a familiar voice behind him he definitely didn't want to hear at that moment.

"Uh-oh" he muttered in fear and turned around slowly.

"I must say though, considering how strong you are, if you ever need help against Di Devilli, don't hesitate to look us up. We're usually around Novatio but wherever money is, there you'll find us lingering and if you can't find us, just wave some money around" the lady said.

"What are you, money hounds? Whatever the case you're definitely no role models. I guess some info would be nice so could you please look into this whole Wyvern business?" Reis asked.

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