Episode 25: The Heart That Destroys Darkness

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The Rangers cheered happily as they returned to the guild. Reis lay unconscious on the back of Marina.

"You really are amazing Reis" Aurora thought to herself.

In the Rangers' Guild, Old Lady Kamikaze finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's finally over. Reis Dragonhaӓrt triumphed. Galigaos has been captured" she reported.

"Then we have a lot to celebrate. I leave the preparations to you then" the Dragonlord said.

"I believe Dragon High would be a fitting location. Tonight, we shall have a celebration" Old Lady Kamikaze agreed.

When Aurora finally arrived in the Rangers' Guild, everyone was waiting to see Reis. Old Lady Kamikaze had informed them of why their rings were cracking and how they were restored and so everyone now saw Reis as a hero. Darak, Shin and Kyla were around to meet Aurora. They had been so busy helping with Drake evacuation. Now things were back to normal, the Drakes were returning to the Guild.

Shin carried Reis off Marina's back.

"You can tell us everything in detail later Aurora" Kyla said.

"Right now, get some rest" Darak suggested.

Aurora nodded and began to head towards the Kira residence. She couldn't stop thinking about Reis.

At home, she was met by Mistress Kira.

"Welcome home Aurora" Mistress Kira greeted.

"I'm back" Aurora said.

"So how did things go?" Mistress Kira asked.

"You were right Mistress Kira. Remember what you said to me after I nearly drowned in the Lake of Kagua Beasts? You said Sir Jinrai was not a shallow man and I should not be surprised if the feelings I was fighting against were pointing me towards what I want and what I wanted was the object of my promise. I just discovered that Reis Dragonhaӓrt is the son of Jinrai" Aurora confessed.

Mistress Kira seemed surprised.

"I did suspect but I never expected my suspicions to be real" Mistress Kira said.

"Fate is a really cruel thing. To think I hated the person I was sworn to care for" Aurora said.

"But Fate is a kind thing too. The person you love and the one you are sworn to care for are one and the same" Mistress Kira said.

"That's true" Aurora agreed.

Back at the Ayenhayze residence, Reis had just regained consciousness. He could vaguely remember what happened after he had transformed into Arӓlpheisl. He felt immense knowledge and wisdom overflow within his mind and his fear of Armageddon was gone. At the present moment, the feeling still lingered on.

Shin walked into the room while Reis sat on his bed reflecting on the battle he had just waged against Galigaos; his near death experience and his transformation into Arӓlpheisl who was said to embody the will of Ryugaiea.

"So how did it feel to fight against him? Against the man that caused most of our pain?" Shin asked.

"When I began to battle him, I was enraged...but when the power of the Golden Drakengaӓrd failed against him, I learnt an invaluable lesson. That the Golden Drakengaӓrd did not recognize Galigaos as the enemy. It is even possible that the Golden Drakengaӓrd will not recognize Erikkus Di Devilli as the enemy. These two are just men like you and I and men can be driven towards light or darkness. What the Golden Drakengaӓrd recognized as the true enemy is the darkness that drives these two men...the darkness called Armageddon. I also realized who it is I must really battle and who this power exists to protect" Reis said.

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