🗣️Can We Talk?🗣️

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Waking up was strange, only a few girls were awake so it made him/her feel awkward. Pulling the blankets off himself/Herself she stood up and made her bed, done with that she went and got changed into her uniform. Walking back she grabbed her books and shoved them into her bag, then immediately went down for breakfast. She usually wasn't fond of breakfast but she was in a different time now, and wanted to explore the place to see how hogwarts was in Tom's days.

Walking over to the Gryffindor table he saw a familiar ginger haired girl, but just shook it off and sat down. She put some food on his plate and began slowly eating, he could feel someone staring at her so she turned around seeing a Slytherin boy glaring at her. Not in a rude way, but that he was obviously stuck looking at her gorgeous face. Getting uncomfortable She felt someone tap her shoulder, looking over his eyes widened.

"Shouldn't go near him, He's a Playboy and just wants Girls for attention" She said but Harriet was still shocked at who it was "Oh By the way, I'm Lily. Lily Evans!". She put her hand out and Harriet slowly shared it coming back to earth and smiling "Harriet White". They started talking and Inside Harry was wanting to pull her into massive hug, he'd never met his parents. Not once... It's cause of Voldemort... That they're dead. He wanted revenge... He wanted so much revenge.. But that's not who he is. He didn't want to become cold like Tom.

Once done they went to their first class, transfiguration. It was quite interesting, and very strange from his days. But She caught on very quickly, she wasn't the best at her classes. But what she was good at was potions, she was always good at Potions. But what shocked her was that Dumbledore taught Transfiguration and DADA. He never knew he taught at school, probably because he was headmaster in her time he stopped. But the headmaster now was Headmaster Dippet. Bit confusing but he didn't question it.

Done with a couple classes it was lunch and he went over to the slytherin table, her hair swung back and forth as she rushed over. Now behind Tom she tapped his shoulder, Tom sighed and looked behind him making eye contact. "What? He asked coldly, obviously not wanting to deal with her right now. "Can we talk?" She asked and Tom sighed and stood up "Ooooo~" his friends teased but Tom gave them a death stare and they stopped. Walking out the Hall with Tom She was thinking of what she was gonna say.

Now around the corner of the entrance She turned around to look at Tom "So what do you want?" He asked coldly, not wanting to talk to her. Harriet sighed " I'm sorry I didn't say bye to you or tell you what the situation was Tom.. I didn't have time to do that... I ho-" " So you never had time for me? Huh?" he stared at her secretly feeling hurt, "Wha- no not like that!-". "Save it White. Stay away from me you filthy half blood" He hissed and Harriet's eyes widened as he stomped back into the great hall. Harry fell on his knees, feeling glued to the floor.. He lost Tom.... Tears fell down his face as his lips quivered.

He couldn't breathe properly.... Standing up her legs were wobbling and she fell back on her knees.... She felt dizzy. When Lily saw Tom stomp into the great hall she was worried and decided to check on Harriet. Getting up she wiped her mouth with her sleeve and walked out of the hall, looking around the corner she saw Harriet in the corner with her hands on the ground trying to get up, rushing over she sat down on her knees putting her hands on her shoulders. Harriet looked up startled and Lily jumped "H. Harriet, are you ok?" she asked worried and Harriet shook his head side to side and immediately wrapped her arms around her. Digging her head into her shoulder, Lily startled but slowly caressed her back.

"Hey.... You might wanna go back to bed if you're not feeling well, here I'll help you up" she said as she pulled her up with herself. Harriet holding her hand as they made their way up the moving stairs and to Gryffindor tower. Bringing her to the girls bedrooms, sitting her on her(Harriet's) bed and she sat down beside her. "It's alright, you should take off your robe and shoes. Might be uncomfortable" Harriet slowly took her shoes and robe off and set them down. Lily stood up and pulled the blankets over Her.

"I'll dismiss you from the rest of your classes today saying you weren't feeling well" She said And Harriet nodded laying down as she looked at Lily's smile as she got up and left the room. So he felt his eyes get heavy, gulping. Then Salazar appeared at the end of his bed, "Harry... " He slowly got up and went beside him. Sitting down right beside him he placed his right hand on his left cheek. Caressing it very lightly and slowly moving Harry's cheek to look straight at him, "Just look at Me... ".

"Harry... Look. at me. " he said then Harry looked at him "I know this is hard for you but you have to stay strong, you've died... You're basically dead... But you've been given a second chance. I want you to be strong... We want you to be strong". The other three then appeared on his bed,
"Give him space Sal... " Rowena said as Salazar removed his hand from Harry's face. "Salazar is right though, he does need to be strong" Godric said "Everything will get better. You just have to let time do its thing".

"You both are horrible at this-_-" Helga said and the two looked at her, Helga went and sat beside Harry. Motioning Godric away and laying down beside him, brushing Harry's hair out of his face. "For now, You should get some sleep".

Word Count:1028

Hey Guys It's La-Lloyd!!

Sorry I didn't do a chapter yesterday, I was extremely sick- and by sick I mean seizure sick.
Just if you have epilepsy you might know what I mean. When you feel you're gonna have a seizure.
Anyway!!! Let's leave that subject alone before I disturb anyone with epilepsy.
I might do another chapter later since I missed one yesterday.
But! I hope you liked this one!! I might do the next one when they're in 5th/4th year. Cause I can't wait XD.

If you want anything to happen in this story comment/PM me your idea(s) and I'll try fit it in!!

Anyway, Bye Ninjas!!


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