Chapter 3 The power of the dino gems

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A few years have gone by and JJ and I are now thirteen years old. We are in eighth grade right now. Conner is on the junior varsity soccer team. On the first day of school Kira, Conner, and Ethan got detention. Tommy had plans to go to the history museum just outside of town with me after school today. We went to the museum and found out that it was closed. "Dad, do you want us to walk around the grounds?" I asked. "Yeah, if you guys find anything prehistoric, I'll cancel detention for the rest of the week." Tommy said. After we walked around the grounds we walked through the forest. As we were walking through the woods I asked them if they heard the story about a hiker that disappeared while in the forest. Before Conner or Kira could answer Ethan started to talk. "Guys, stuff happens out here. Just don't come crying to me when you fall into a giant sinkhole." Ethan said. Then, without warning, we all fell into a giant sinkhole. "Okay, you guys stay here where it's safe. I'll climb up and come back with help." Conner said. Then Conner started to climb out when the rock his hand was on broke. He fell back onto the ground. "Back already." I said with a laugh. Kira and Ethan helped him up. We walked through the tunnel. Kira was singing her song. "Babe, can you keep it down? I'm trying to stay focused here." Conner said. "Did you just call me babe? Did he just call me babe?" Kira asked. "Yeah, he did." I said. Kira walked up to him. "What? Just chill out." Conner said. "Listen, my name is Kira. Maybe you should write it on your hand or something so you can remember." Kira said before turning away from Conner. We walked down the tunnel a little more when we saw a dinosaur skeleton. "This screams jurastic park to me." Kira said. "This will get us out of detention forever." Conner said before opening the dinosaurs mouth. We found the lab. (Soon to be our headquarters.) We walked in. "I could do a crazy video in here." Kira said. "Whoa, this must be like the mothership for you dude." Connor said. "Normally, I'd be insulted. But when you're right, you're right." Ethan said. I noticed that Conner was by the dino gems. "Dude, don't touch that." I said. "Why not?" Conner asked. "You really are taking this whole dumb jock thing to a whole new level." Ethan said. "Look, I have sat through enough lame science classes to know that thing looks really prehistoric, and I don't have to miss practice." Conner said. "I hate to agree with him. But I already missed one rehearsal." Kira said. Then they picked up the dino gems. When Kira asked what they were I told them that they are called dino gems. I also told them why the gems were glowing. "How do you know so much about these?" Conner asked. Then I pulled out my dino gem. "You have one too?" Kira asked. "Yeah, I have had it since I was five years old. My dad gave it to me before he went on a business trip." I said. We walked out and some tyranodrones showed up. "Don't move." Conner said. "Good idea make it easy for them." Kira said. "New plan, RUN!" Ethan said. We ran until Kira tripped and fell. She let out a pterodactyl roar when she screamed. It made the rest of us cover our ears. Conner and Ethan helped her up. "What was that?" I asked. "I have no idea." Kira said. Then her gem glowed. We split up. Ethan blocked some attacks with rock hard skin. His gem glowed. Conner noticed that everything was moving so slow. It was like everything went into slow motion around him. "Wow, everything is so slow." Conner said to himself. His gem glowed before that. It made the battle easier for him. When I was running I turned to face them. They came towards me and I turned my back on them and blocked each hit without even looking. I sensed each hit before it came. That's when I knew what my power was. It was precognition. My gem glowed a bright silver. "Guys, over here." Conner said. "Yo, how much do I love detention." Ethan said. The next day at school Conner, Kira, Ethan, and I were walking outside the school. It was at the end of the school day. All of the students were getting ready to go back home. Some of them rode a bus and some of them walked. "Okay, so we agree that no one talks about this, to anyone." Conner said. "No matter what." I added. "I can do better than that. I'm out of it just forget I was here and I'll do the same. Kira said while giving Conner her dino gem. "Wait, how come he gets it?" Ethan asked. "Probably because yesterday, during detention, he called her babe." I said. "Well, here." Kira said while taking the gem out of Conner's hand and putting her dino gem in Ethan's hand. Then Kira started to walk away when she felt a light breeze, which is weird because there was no wind. "Oh, you got to be kidding me." Kira said. Then tyranodrones showed up. "Get away freaks!" Kira said. "Kira!" Conner, Ethan, and I said before we started to run over to her. Before we could even get to Kira they disappeared with her. We were driving down the road a while later. "Where are we going?" Ethan asked. "Dr. Oliver's." I said. "What's he going to do?" Conner asked. "He's a dinosaur guy. These thighs are dinosaurs, sort of." I said. "Alright so, where does he live?" Conner asked. Before Ethan could look it up I answered. "1992 Valencia Road." I said. "How do you know that without having to look it up?" Ethan asked. "Because I live there." I said. "How, exactly?" Conner asked. "It's a long story. Long story short, my dad died in an accident, I got sent to a foster home, Dr. Oliver adopted me, and now I'm his daughter." I said. "Well, that's in the middle of the woods, isn't it?" Conner asked. I nodded.

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