Chapter 5

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The rest of the day was normal. That was, until Salvator and me had to go to the gym. Then, it got a little crazy. It all started out with dodgeball.

"Alright, newbees, the first thing we're going to do this year is dodgeball, to ease you all into the school. Grab a ball and part it on the line and then we'll pick teams. Persephone and Matt will be captains." I hated my name being called that, but I grabbed a ball in the bin and placed it on the line. It seemed that Elena was here too, but she did not look excited by it. Stefan looked even worse. Can't say that I haven't had my own bad times with dodgeball. Especially when I almost died because of in 7th grade. Oh well. I went onto the line with the others and one big buff guy came out into the center. He had dirty blond hair, tossed neatly, but he also looked like he was trying to prove himself. Mother's probably a junky and by the look of leadership, is father went away, leaving him to take care of his family.

"You can go first," I said and Matt nodded.



"Glenn." (I'm kind of making up names now, because I don't have a really big clue of who goes to Mystic Falls HS that aren't the main characters)

"I'm sorry for not knowing your name, but I'll just describe the people I call now. Red haired guy with freckles, black nike shorts, and under armour gray shoes."


"Brown haired guy with acne covering almost all of his face. Electric blue shorts and Black nike shoes." It went on like this. At the end, I had Stefan, Fredrik, Newt, Pierce, Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, Kate, Katie, Bree, and Noah. Most of them showed different attributes and I was glad to have them all on the team. The other side consisted of, what I heard, football players, cheerleaders, and basically athletic people with a few that were picked as the last people. Our team huddled together.

"Alright, I want Pierce, Bonnie, Caroline, and Kate to go up to the sides and "snipe them". Elena, Katie, and Bree, I want you to go to the sides, not close to Pierce, Caroline, Bonnie, and Kate, but close enough that you can throw and not hit any of us on the sides or insides. I also want you to catch the balls, because I know you can. I then want Newt, Noah, and Fredrik to go into the middle and Stefan and I will snipe people from the back, because... And you can choose to get the balls or not, but it's easier for them to get the balls, because you won't have a high percentage of getting hit. Alright, break." Everyone was stunned for a second, but went to their positions. Stefan walked over to me as our team waited for the other side to get done.

"You know we're not planning a war right?" I cringed inwardly.

"Yeah, I know. I used to have a girlfriend who loved to strategize and she gave me a couple of coincidences to see if I could do it too." Stefan nodded, knowing that I wasn't telling the full story. 

"You know you can trust me."

"I don't really know. I just... Sometimes that doesn't work out to well. I'll try to give yo ua chance though. My house, by the Gilberts, tonight at 7. You can bring your brother."
"You know if he finds out that you know that he's a vampire, he'll kill you."

"If either of you knew what I was, I doubt you would even attempt to kill me."

"You never know."

"Alright, seems like both sides are ready. I'll start the countdown. Ready, set go." the coach yelled and our team just stood there, while the others surged ahead.

"Just try to show that you are human. Maybe instead of using your vampire speed, you would backflip or something like that." I said as I caught a ball with a small sigh. The guy, Tyler, seemed surprised by the fact that I caught it. I then aimed for Matt's legs and chucked it. Kind of. No one got injured before you ask. The ball hit it's mark without too much effort.

"See," I said as Stefan caught a ball, "nothing to worry about. I just took out their two valuable players." Then, my ADHD caught up and I saw a ball coming towards Elena. I quickly picked up a ball nearby and hit the all out of the air, a few seconds from it hitting Elena. Stefan raised an eyebrow. 

"Are you trying to draw attention to yourself?"

"Well," i said as I caught another ball and dodged another, "maybe I'm trying to not get bullied." stefan looked at me questionably.

"You were bullied?" I cursed myself.

"Yeah," I said quietly, while hitting someone's leg. Stefan's eyebrows came together as he caught a ball. The game soon ended and the losing team (not our team) hit the showers. I saw people on my team coming to congratulate me, but I disappeared from view, leaving them confused.

Sorry that that took so long. I'll try to get back faster, but I had a chaotic week, so the next chapter will probably come in one to two weeks. Thank you for your patience!


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