The Lover's Last Late Night

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Things had changed a lot. George found himself siding with Quackity and El Rapids as had Sapnap and Karl. It wasn't a decision he necessarily regretted, but that didn't change the fact he felt a sharp pain in his heart and how it felt much colder without Dream by his side.

George couldn't bring himself to face him though. Too many emotions mixed around in his chest, and his heart would always race when he thought of the other man. He could only imagine what would happen if he were to actually talk to Dream.

Sadly, he wasn't even given a taste of what could possibly be from afar. Anytime he saw Dream, he would always be accompanied by someone, usually Tubbo out of anyone. That was only rarely though. It seemed Dream had spent far more of his time beyond any of the borderlines.

Something about this change made George feel relieved, and yet a part of him still felt anxious. Did he even want to see Dream? He wasn't sure. Everytime he thought of Dream, his feelings towards him changed.

One minute, he wanted to punch him in the face. The next, he felt fear and uncertainty, both for and towards the other man. All of his thoughts eventually settled in one conclusion. George wanted nothing more than to pull Dream down and kiss him as hard as he could, hold the other's thin waist in his hands and feel that warmth that he had missed so dearly.

He always had to get himself out of those thoughts though because the next moment he'd find himself imagining the feeling of Dream's nails digging into his skin and the curve of his body from his broad shoulders to his skinny waist all the way to his wider hips. Embarrassing thoughts to be true, and George is sure someone would yell at him if they found out the kind of thoughts he was having towards someone who was arguably the biggest threat around.

That status didn't matter to George though. If anything, it made those thoughts all the more exhilarating as he thought of the side of Dream only he could see. The side of Dream he longed to see again. The sweet, sensitive, and clingy lover who'd stick to him like glue and listen to every word like a dog in a lease.

Okay, that analogy certainly didn't make things any easier for George's racing heart.

He wasn't sure if he'd ever see that side again in all truth. The two had become so distant. Dream was always out of the country or with someone else, and George couldn't tell if he was avoiding him or not. To be fair, it was a mutual separation. Anytime he saw Dream, George wanted nothing more than to run for the hills and found himself scooting away from the situation before he could be noticed. Something inside him prevented him from making the first move, from reaching out.

In truth, George was passive so whatever was preventing him was likely the same thing that always kept him from making the first move in everything.

Luckily with the way things would turn out, George wouldn't have to make the first move.


Everything was making Dream incredibly antsy. From the moment Techno began getting involved, he hadn't seen a moment of peace from the cloud of anxiety that flew over him. His knowledge on the butcher army certainly didn't help anything either.

There was so much to wait in anticipation for, so many things he had planned that couldn't be shown to a single soul other than himself. The isolation was killing him. It was as if he had internally exiled himself from everyone else, but when he really thought about it, he had been in that state for quite a while.

He longed for peace and quiet and for the loneliness that plagued his heart since his allies had abandoned him to leave. When Dream wasn't planning and scheming, his mind traveled to one of the only people who made him feel calm, made him feel safe. George... he had longed to see him.

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