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I woke up with a smile on my face, stretched my arms as wide as I could, although I haven't had enough sleep. Mook refused to sleep early last night, she insisted that we shouldn't end the call until we both fall asleep. She's been very clingy these past few days, I don't know why. I mean, we often see each other lately. 

"Someone had a good night sleep." I heard Mak said as I made my way down to the kitchen. I ruffled his hair. "I did, actually." I replied then sat beside him.

"You're squishing me!" he screamed and followed by a giggle. "I am not. I am just hugging my brother." we laughed for a while, tickling each other. Mom's footsteps drew near and she saw us.  We stopped and looked at her. It looks like she's cooking, holding a ladle, smiling at the sight of us.

"Breakfast is ready, come let's eat." she simply said and head back to the kitchen. Mak and I exchanged confused looks and followed her. Unlike the traditional Thai breakfast that she prepares every day, she cooked eggs, hotdogs, and bacon for this morning.  She even made fried rice! Truly delightful. Dad is sipping his coffee while reading the newspaper.

"Mom, where did you get all that shopping bags in your room?" Mak asked while chewing hotdog. She giggled and her face immediately turned red.

"The other day when Mooky visited, do you remember?" I thought about it for a second and frowned. "She gave me her special customer card at a boutique, you see." she kind of hesitated whether to tell us in front of dad or not.

"Well?" he asked, eyebrows raised.

"She said there's a big sale at the mall and insisted that I could use her card to buy clothes and bags for myself. I declined, of course. But she's really eager so I went." she said shyly. I thought dad will be mad but I was wrong. "She must've seen your wardrobe, mama." he chuckled and mom playfully slapped his arm. I laughed inside my head when I heard that. If she really wants something, she'll do whatever it takes to get it. 

"Did you hear about the rumors about Mooky and that Tong?" he lowered the paper and looked at me. I almost choked myself on my food where I saw where he's pointing at. It was a picture of Mook at Tong, happily talking in what it seems like a coffee shop. It looks like a stolen picture. Is this why she's being clingy these past few days? I went to my room and dialed her phone number. She answered after few rings. "Hey, baby. What's up?" she asked, full of energy.

"You know what's up? It's the ceiling!" I shouted angrily. I heard a giggle. 

"Is it the time of the month yet? Geez. It visits you so fast." that fueled me up. "I am not in the mood for your jokes, okay? Tell me, are you seeing that Tong behind my back?" I asked, not lowering my voice. I felt so mad.

"Calm down, love. Where are you getting all of this? We just talked all night. We're okay, weren't we? her voice became serious with a hint of worry.

"I saw the newspaper." I snorted.

"Don't you trust me, G'naa? she asked.

"I do until this morning." she didn't speak for a while, all I hear is heavy breathing.

"Those were just rumors. How many times do I have to tell you?" she said, her voice sounded hurt and at the same time, calm.

"I don't know who to believe anymore. Sometimes, you cancel our dates. Is that when you go to him?" I snapped, almost mocking. 

"Believe me. I am your girlfriend. And I say, those are just rumors. I have no special relationship with Tong." she sniffed quietly.

"I have to go. I'll talk to you later." she said and ended the call. A little while later, I received a message from her.

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