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• taken necklace
I thought that I might have dropped my necklace back at home so I picked up my pace so i could check for it.
It was pretty important to me, it was given to me by someone special. If I lost it I would feel guilty for the rest of my life.
When I reached home I immediately started to search for my necklace, inch and inch, room by room.
Absolutely nothing.
But I didn't give up on it yet, I search every small corners, the bathroom, dresser, counters, sink, even the god damn toilet which I did not enjoy searching in there for.
But still nothing was found...I was starting to grow anxious and feel guilty.
Maybe I'd have luck to tommorow?
POV —-
Sunghoon slowly followed Yerin home but slowly, He followed her moves and traces. She was walking towards where the gangs were located...is she some type of gangster? He thought to himself
'Is that why she is so cold?'
He entered the gang area, still following Yerin. Gangs were all around him but minded their businesses, Sunghoon dressed up darkly with chains and black so he practically fit in.
People didn't think of him as an outsider.
outside / Yerin —-
I began to start picking up trash, I wish Riki was here right now but he must be busy with homework...it's not easy being a highschooler
I sadly picked up the trash, I wouldn't be doing this right now if my mom didn't marry another man. I would've lived happily with her if I didn't find things awkward around the home.
But no, she fell in love. She didn't want to be lonely, but I was here and there for her the whole time...high and dry. We had a big fight when I found out she was getting married to her "boyfriend"
I lashed out on her and she returned it back to me. Everything shattered between us...everything was torn apart..
When I met Jungwon...we were already on bad terms... we didn't like each other at all. And despite being the same age...only made it worse...
The day Jungwon & his father moved into my house, I was pissed and got into another fight with my mother. Officially leaving the house for good.
That's why I'm here....
I kicked one of the cans out of anger, I saw it rolling down the alley way...it shouldn't be doing that.
I felt a presence suddenly.
So I quickly turned around, and it wasn't who I expected to see. I thought it was Riki but it was actually.
How does he know I live here....why is he around the gang area?
"What are you doing here?"
"Can I not be here?" He raised a brow, slightly grinning.
POV —-
"Just tell me what you want and get over with it. And do NOT tell anyone where I live for gods sake." She gave him an intense look.
"Why are you picking up trash and why do you live in the gang area where are you parents?" - Sunghoon
"Why do you care? That's my business and this is my job so get on with it already, you're wasting my time...." she looked at him with an annoyed expression.
Sunghoon pulled out her necklace, swinging it around her face. "We're you looking for this?" He smirked.
Once Yerin realized what he had in his hand, she tried to snatch it but he was fast enough to move it to the other side. And may I remind you he was way taller than her.
"Give it back to me right now, it's not your belonging."
"I found it...you should be grateful." He teased her only caused her to be even more vexed.
"Just give it please."
"Under one condition. You answer one question."
"What is it?"
"Do you know Jungwon?"
Yerin's heart dropped...was he catching onto something?
"What the hell are you talking about?" She scoffed.
"Fine you're not getting it back."
"Sunghoon it is mine, that is mine. Why are you acting like I need to do stuff to get it back?! It's very important to me, it's the only thing I have from the person I care about so please." She pleaded with softened eyes.
Sunghoon realized that it wasn't the time to be serious with her, he placed the necklace in her hands.
"Don't take it seriously." Sunghoon told her and looked away.
"You came all the way into the gang area to give me it back...didn't the gang cause you trouble?" I coldly asked him.
He smirked, "look at me."
"I don't need to."
"I look like I fit in as a gangster, they probably thought I'm from around here that's why they didn't come up on me.
She finally stared at him...lowkey checking him out but in a cold manner just like they described her.