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*Jack pov
"Hey (yn), you never did answer my qusetion.", I said, "Well... I really don't want to ruin our day with my boring stories." she lowered her head, "Please tell me, we are friends. You can trust me." I petted her head, "No I can't tell you.", "Tell me." I begged, "No.", "Fine you asked for this.", I carried her and ran to a fountain, "Jack what are you doing!", (yn) giggled, "You will tell me or you fall in the cold water.", "Jack don't drop me!", she wrapped her arms around me, "Will you tell me?" I asked, "Yes, yes just don't let go!", I desided not to drop her and continue on our way to the coffee! "Jack, you can put me down.", "No, you told me to never let go.", "Please Jack.", "Okay." I set her down.
As soon as we got our coffee, we found a table and I needed to know, "Now will you tell me?", she quietly sipped her drink, "You know, its better if you don't know." she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, I noticed a side of her face had a big red mark, "What happened?" I touched her face, "Oh, nothing.", I knew she was lying.
*Your pov
Jack had noticed where Greg had hit me before, "Tell me what happened?", "Jack, can't we just enjoy our coffee?", he glared at me, "Did someone hit you?", I stared at him, "Did Greg hit you? Is that why you're so shy to speak? Because you're afraid of getting hit?", I could not tell him. "Jack, I care for Greg, and he would not hit me." the reason I defend Greg is because even if he goes to jail, he has money to bail out and he will murder me if I don't defend him. And at a point in the beginning of our relationship he was kind, but he changed. "(yn), I know when you lie to me.", "I'm not lying.", he just nodded and drank his coffee. It was quiet, neither of us talked. We kept sipping from our cups. I guess he is mad at me, why do I feel so sad. I need to go outside, "I'll be back, I need air.", "Okay, dont take long.", I stood up and walked out. "Geez, that was awkward.", I mumbled to myself. I sat on a bench, "I wish Jack wasn't mad at me, why do I always mess things up?", I whispered. I felt an arm around me, "Hey little girl.", I looked up it was that guy from the other day that was trying to kiss me. He had a bandage on his nose, "Nice bandage." I said sarcasticly, "Nice booty." I stared at him, "Who are you?", "Dylan, and you beautiful?", "None of your business." I said, "Why are you so mean?", "Because, a stranger is coming near me and kissing me.", he looked at me, "Your boyfriend won't mind he is inside.", "He's not my boyfriend. Just a friend who is mad at me.", "Don't worry, friends get mad at each other all the time but end up forgiving. Besides, I can make you happier." he got closer, "I'm gonna go." as I got up he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back down. "Why are you leaving? Don't you want to have fun?", he leaned in, "No, I came to breathe. Not to kiss strangers.", his hand was on my face, "Get away.", I hit his hand. "Come on little girl.", he kept getting closer. "Stop." I kept pushing him.
*Jack pov
(yn) has been outside for a while, I should go check on her. As I walked out and saw her on a bench with the same guy who was now smooching (yn), "Hey leave her alone!", he looked at me, "Why she is not your girl!", "She is not yours neither!" I yelled, "She is an independent young lady who belongs to no one, but she is with another guy." I said, "Well then..." he said, "Leave her, or I'll use my lepercon fist!", "Geez take it easy, bro.", he said, "See you later." he tucked her hair behind her ear and left running away. "That guy disgusts me so much!" she said, "(yn) do you want to leave.", she turned to me, "Yeah I just need to go home, that guy kinda ruined my afternoon."
(yn) and I walked to our apartments, she seemed shy, but so adorable. "Jack, can you come with me to class every morning?", "Yeah, but why?", "I feel unsafe, and if that guy comes back...", her eyes met with mine, "Don't worry I will go anywhere you go.", I put my arm around her. I guess that was awkward.
*your pov
Jack put his arm around me, like last time. We arrived at our apartments, "(yn).", I turned to him, "Since Greg left you alone again, do you want to sleep at my apartment?", I thought about what he said, he didnt want me to be alone, unlike Greg who just leaves me alone when he pleases. "Sure. I will just get my things.", I put my phone on the counter, "Oh you can come in.", "Thanks." he said. I ran in to get the things I would mostly need. Toothbrush and toothpaste, my Imagine Dragons shirt, some shorts, and my blanket. I stuffed it all in my Attack on Titan bag, its my favorite show.
I went to Jack, who I saw was on my phone. "Give it back." he looked at me with a smirk, "Come and get it." I locked my door and chased Jack into his apartment. "Come on Jack!", I jumped to reach my phone, Jack was a giant. "Okay.", I left my bag on the couch, and lunged to Jack, "Yes I got my phone!", I saw my phone was in Greg's messages, Jack was looking at the messages. Where he called me a bitch and other things, "Why are you dating him if he calls you those things?", I could not find the words. I got off Jack and sat on the floor, "I...I don't", he stared at me, "Jack, you wouldn't understand." he scooted next to me, "Why can't you trust me?", his hand was on my lap, "The things in my life, and experiences.", "What about Greg?" he asked, I looked deep in his blue eyes, "You want the answer so bad, fine. A long time ago, Greg got drunk. He came in my room and...", I couldn't finish the sentence I was filled with tears and I just couldn't continue. "Come here, it's okay." he hugged me tight and I felt safe. "Is that why you don't trust men?", I nodded, "Just cause some idiot did that thing, doesn't mean every guy is. There are plenty of guys that are nice, but you just don't open up to them.", his words were reassuring. "Thank you Jack.", "And why can't you just break up with him?", "Please, Jack lets just have fun I didn't come to cry all night." Jack smiled, his smile always made me feel happy, "I'm gonna go change.", I said, "Okay I'll make some popcorn.", I went into Jack's room, it was sort of neat. I took off my flannel and put on my shirt and shorts. When I got out, I saw Jack sitting on the couch with popcorn. "Hey, come on." he told me. I sat next to him, I felt werid, sitting next a guy, my arms and legs weren't covered. "So what movie do ya want to watch.", "I don't know, you choose.", "No you are my guest, please pick a movie." he told me, wow so many movies to choose from. "How about...this one.", I chose a cartoon, "Sorry I'm still really childish.", "Nah, that's why I like you, you're really childish." Jack laughed. The movie began, but I didn't really pay attention, "So Jack.", "Yeah?" he chewed his popcorn, "Do you like me?", "Yeah, you're my friend, of course I like you.", he said. He just likes me like a friend.
*Jack pov
After the movie, me and (yn) began to clean up. There was popcorn on the floor and pillows. My living room was a mess. I thought of something, I grabbed a pillow, "Hey (yn)", she turned and I threw a pillow at her, "Jack!" she threw it back at me. Before we knew it, we were having a pillow fight. She hit me and I fell, "Jack down, Jack down." I saw her come running over, "Got you." she was sitting next to me. I wanted to tease her, so I kissed her cheek. "Jack.", "I'm teasing, don't get your hair in a knot." she hit me with a pillow. "Come on, lets clean.", she stood up and extended her hand to me.
After all that cleaning, we were tired. "I can't even walk to my room." I yawned, "I'm sleepy." she fell asleep on the floor. She was probably more tired than me. "I can't let her sleep on the floor." I carried (yn) to my room, and layed her on my bed. I put the blanket over her, then I layed next to her. "Goodnight, (yn)", I then noticed something on her arm, both of them. She had bandages on them, "What?" I removed them and saw bruises on both sides, "Who did this to you?", I thought. It can't be that guy from Starbucks, he only kisses, gross guy. Nobody else, but Greg it all makes sense, and she can't do that to herself. "Oh, (yn) what am I to do with you?", I put the bandages back on her arms. I hugged her, "Mm..Jack" I heard her mumble in her sleep, must be having a dream of me. "Jack...J-Jack" I kissed her forehead, "Jack's here." I whispered in her ear, she smiled. (yn) had stopped talking. But was in my arms. I had fallen asleep too.

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