Chapter 3-The Date

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Reese was in a zone from the cocaine he took. He picked up his phone and called Tisha back from earlier that morning.

Tisha- Where were you last night? I was worried.

Reese- I was asleep. My bad my bad it won't happen again.

Tisha- It better not. When I call you must answer.

Tisha was cheesing when she said that.

Reese- Alright now. Don't get ahead of yourself. We got a long way before we get there babe.

Tisha- Babe? Mmmmmm I like that. Okay I'll listen babe.

The conversation had went on like this for another 30 minutes and Reese was still high off of the cocaine. He was well aware what was taking place though. He had set up the plans he was gonna make with Tisha in his head the night before. They were going to the movies then they were gonna get something eat. Reese wasn't trying to go all out. This was their first official date with each other. He definitely didn't wanna go out with Tisha high though so he decided to catch a few Z's.

Tisha got off the phone so excited. She had finally made some huge progress with the guy she wanted to date since she can remember. She already had planned what she was gonna wear. She had this flowery skirt that was all red with a white tight fitted long sleeve shirt that hugged her body and caressed every curve. She also had a black blazer in case they went to a high end restaurant because she knew Reese had money. The ball was beginning to roll in her court but she wondered why it was so easy this time around. She didn't dwell on it because her excitement wouldn't let her. She was finally about to go on a first official date with a guy she thought was a diamond among the other guys in Chicago. He had everything going for himself and she wanted to be along for the ride whenever he took off. She decided to call Reese to see if he was ready. After a few rings he finally picked up.

Reese- Yoo what up Tisha.

Tisha- Don't yo me I'm not Riley. I'm a lady.

Reese- Okay lady. You dressed yet lady?

Tisha- Yes I am. That's why I called you to see if you were ready. Just saying I look sexy by the way.

Reese- Girl ain't nobody gonna be looking at you. *Reese was trying to play hard to get*

Tisha was smiling from ear to ear because she knew what he was doing.

Tisha- Whatever Reese shoot.

Reese let Tisha know he was about to walk over to get her. They both were equally excited and they both had planned to not show it so much. Reese had chose to go casual for their first date. He had on some khaki slacks, a red sweater vest, a white undershirt, some red toro 4s, and a gold 14k chain. He thought he was the hottest dude in the streets of Chicago and to most ladies he was. Tisha was different then most ladies though. Most ladies didn't sweat him like she did and that's what he liked about her. She went after whatever she wanted. Reese always thought to himself when he was alone. The walk wasn't too long but just long enough for him to process everything that was happening or what he thought was going to happen tonight. He got to Tisha's house and knocked on the door and it was immediately opened. Tisha came out smiling. Reese had never saw her look the way she did now. He was actually sensing himself get aroused by the way Tisha was dressed. The flowery skirt showing her thighs while her white t-shirt hugged her breasts so perfectly. Reese felt like he was the luckiest guy on earth.

Tisha- Are you done staring babe?

Reese- Nah let me get a few more seconds babe. Okay now I'm done.

Tisha- Now can you tell me where we're going handsome?

Reese- Just a dinner and movie nothing special. I can't go all out on you just yet you know. You gotta earn your way to the five star type shit. *Reese laughed instantly*

Tisha- You're so funny punk. I'll be glad to earn my spot next to you.

Reese- Yeah we know you're not the only candidate running for vice president.

Tisha punched Reese playfully as they continued to walk to the local diner. Tisha knew Reese could afford way better than this but she let it slide cause this was their first official date. She was just happy to be spending time with him. They got to the diner and sat at the far corner near the only window in the whole place. Tisha noticed after a few minutes of them sitting down that Reese was constantly looking around like he was trying to cover something up. Little did she know Reese was high from the cocaine he snorted at Riley's house and things were about to go from good to bad.

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