Prologue-A sacrifice and a mission

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Third Person POV:

It wasn't everyday Natasha Barton, A.K.A. Blackbird, plummeted through the howling wind after her stupid friends. Her blonde and red-streaked hair whipped her face. She was waiting for the right moment to spread her wings. Her bow was light on her back, and she saw the flashing of red metal below, swinging below on a piece of webbing.

She sighed loudly and suddenly spread the metal wings that had been a gift from Sam. She soared faster, seeing a blue below her. A flash of deep, chocolate coloured hair streaked with silver was falling below her. She heard a yell of triumph and saw Spidey fly past holding the back of a Captain America Suit.

She hurtled down fast, her fingers brushing the edge of the back of her friend's shirt. Suddenly, they both fell through a portal glowing orange at the edges.

She hit the floor. Or something softer than the floor...

She was shoved off of her friend's body.

"Get. Off." The brown haired one growled.

"I wish you would stop jumping out of planes without a parachute. You and James both."

"Family habit." Silena smirked, stretching.

James, the dude dressed like Captain America, laughed.

"Yup. Grandad said it saved quite a few people's lives when he did that. So, maybe I'll save someone too." He smiled weakly. His grandfather was Captain America. The original. Not the fake, John Walker.

Now, he possessed his family right.

In the corner, Strange was laughing. Her black hair tumbled down to her shoulders, hiding the back of her cloaks collar.

"Why didn't you do that sooner?" Natasha asked grumpily.

"It was really funny." She replied plainly.

"You, Strange, shall be the death of me."

"And I will gladly be."

"Anyway, should we get to the drop site. With. Parachutes." She said the last part directly at James and Silena.

Silena's codename was Silver Wolf.

Morgan nodded at Blackbird, her suit closing in around her. She was five years older but still decent.

"Guys, you know where to go. Silver Wolf, hostages, Strange, rescue, Blackbird, scout and cover fire, Cap, plane duty, Spidey, capture guards, I'll help wherever." She nodded at them before leaping out the plane.

"Why can SHE do it?" Silena asked.

"She has a suit." Blackbird waited for them to put parachutes on, and she looked at Strange.

She was opening a portal, about to step in.

"Why can't you get us all down?"

"I'm annoying like that." Strange smirked as she leaped through the glowing circle in the floor.

James sat at the helm. "See you in a bit?"

"Yup. See you soon." Silver Wolf leaped out the plain and Natasha followed.

She plummeted downward, spreading the metal wings. She saw a parachute unfold below. Finally, they landed on the ground. Her heart pounded as she saw the other creep past and around the edge, climbing over the wire fence.

Blackbird nodded at Morgan before shooting into the air.

Silena pulled herself up the fence, the wind howling in her ears. The wire at the top was barbed. She saw the others pull themselves over, as she did it, she slipped and cut her hand. She gritted her teeth at the pain, before sighing and heaving herself over the fence.

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