Chapter 2

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Alexis POV

Have you ever thought 'I am perfect'? 'I don't need to change a thing about me'?

If you answered yes then you need to repent because lying is wrong. I hate to break it to you but human nature is imperfection.


I walk in to Anatomy, late I might add, and my teacher , Mr. Bradley, doesn't even make an attempt to acknowledge my tardiness.

The perks of being in AP

I walk down the desk aisles to my favorite seat in the very back next to the window.

I sit down then get out the necessities for notes and began to write what's on the board. I don't even realize I tuned out the lesson until I hear Mr. Bradley calling my name.

"yes?", I ask not knowing what he said. "Well if you were listening you would have known that I just asked what an Integumentary system function was".

He wears a look that screams he wants to embaress me, "oh yes I believe that is Insulation of the body, protection of the body from environmental hazards, and regulation of body temperature and water."

"Incorrect!" wait for it. " Oh yes..... Ms. Parker that is correct my apologies."

He then turns back to the board and continues on with his lesson.

I feel like the real MVP. Its literally life changing to be able to embarrass your teacher when they intend to get you.

Come on we all know its true!

While Mr. Bradley lectured about some shit that I was going to forget as soon as I walked out the door, I decided to do a little Wattpading. I literally read Wattpad so much that it takes me 30 minutes to scroll through my library.

Some might call it an addiction I call it a life source......... well I guess that is an addiction. But who cares, worry about yourselves bitches!

I jump out of what I like to call a Wattpad coma when I hear the bell ring. The bell and I have a certain love hate relationship. Sometimes the bell rings right when its needed,like when a teacher tries to start a new subject in class; and sometimes the bell rings when Im right in the middle of a good story.

I start packing up my things and head to the door, "Ms. Parker".

"Yes?" "I need speak to you about an important matter?" Mr. Bradley says for some reason I get an uneasy feeling about what he has to say.

"Ms. Parker I am quite worried about your focus in my class, I have noticed that you are constantly on your phone. Though I have not takn it up I feel that this problem is obsesive and I feel the need to contact your parents on it."

Teacher say what? How dare he want to tell my parents about such a stupid matter. I am literally fuming.

" I'm-- I cut him off instantly. " With all do respect sir, I don't really think you can say anything about not paying attention seeing as I have the highest grade in all four of your classes at a 103. You have no right to comment on my actions as as long as all of my work is done, and it always is. So if that's all, can I get to class now?" I look a him and he stands there gaping at me. 'Stalker'.

He doesn't reply so I take that as my goodbye and leave. It isn't until I get outside of the classroom that I realize what I said.
Im one crazy bitch!

I just told off a teacher. Correction, I just shut down a teacher.

It feels nice to actually be able to show off something other than this shy, timid, nerdy freak I pretend to be. But they don't say 'do what you have to do' for nothing.

I still feels pretty nice though, even though I may have blown my cover. Now someone may just realize who the the real me is and wonder why I'm hiding.

Hey Guys!!!! I hope you all had a really fun spring break, I know I did ( Panama City turn up). What Alexis said about Wattpad is so true for me. My mom always says Im addited and I always say she's right.

I had fun writing tonight, I know the story may be boring but trust me it will get actiony ( I don't think thats a real word) soon.

Well........................................... PEACE OUT BABES!!!!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2017 ⏰

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