Chapter One

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                                                                Alexis POV 

        I wake to the sound of the rooster alarm on my cell phone, my clock says 7 a.m.

stretching, I yell "Fuck you time!!!!" Silently cursing  my life, I start my boring journey to getting ready for school.

        My routine usually involves a quick shower, pulling out random clothes, then taming the rats nest called my hair.

        But seeing as I only have 30 minutes to get dressed and out the door I just throw on some sweats and a sweatshirt, then I put on some old converse, and last I grab my keys and sprint to my car.

Sometimes I just wish that all knowledge could just be downloaded into my brain so I would have to wake up and actually go to school. But sadly the our world isn't that advanced yet.

         As I pull out of the drive way, I look at my self in the mirror and see a giant bruise on my left cheek. Mentally cursing my self for being so careless as to forget about it, I try thinking of ways to hide it. After a few moments of stressing over the bruise I decide to just put some foundation over it when I get to the school parking lot.

After I figure out my plan, I plug in my iPhone and blast music through my speakers.

As I pull into the parking lot I look around and see hundreds of cars with people standing around them.

        Me being the loner I aim to be, parked in the deserted lot of my school. Before I get out I remember to put foundation on my bruise. Reaching my hand into my backpack I try to look for my makeup bag, but I cant find it.

                'What a fucking idiot!!!!'

        Literally the one time I need my makeup, its not there.

        Life lesson of the day children: never clean up anything because you will end up losing and forgetting shit.

        Properly analysing the bruise, I decide to fuck it and go on with my life. I mean I never talk to anyone in the first place so it wouldn't matter.

        That's the good thing about having no friends, no one worries and no one gets into your business. Well unless they're assholes.

 Taking my keys out of the ignition, I grab my backpack and get out of my car.

         My car is like the only thing that I like in this world. My baby is a 1970 white Monte Carlo.......... gorgeous right.

        Anyways I start the boring trek to my first block class which is AP calculus with the insufferable Mr. Kingston.

        He literally sounds like that guy off of the Clearasil commercial and he doesn't even teach us anything,

         we learn from the book and Calculus for Dummies. Well that's how I have such a  high grade, well that and studying 27/7.

        What did you expect, its not like I have any friends?

        When I get into the building I cant help but notice all of the bitchy looks I get from the girls in the hallways. Sometimes I want to yell out 'WTF are you looking at, im not attractive'.

        But then I think 'I dont want to give them another reason to hate me'.

        I continue to stroll down the  hallway looking at my shoes trying to avoid any eye contact as I head over to my locker. I turn the corner but hit something hard and fell to the ground. I quietly mutter a "sorry" while im on the ground and try to gather my fallen belongings.

        A hand reaches out to me and I instinctively flinch at it. The owner of the hand takes a step back and stands in front of me. I look up and see one of the most gorgeous guys ever. 

        With his strong jaw line, his brown eyes, his perfectly pink lips, and his lip ring that makes you want to suck on it.......Whoa where the hell did that come from?

        Not realizing how long i was staring,the gorgeous guy says " Take a picture it'll last longer" .

        Well that killed the moment! So im guessing he is just another asshole like most of the guys here. With that thought I get up with my things and walk to class forgetting about my locker.

               Hey guys so this is my first book on wattpad please bear with me I have some pretty bad grammar but if you don't like it you don't have to read. Please comment  and tell me what you think(don't be assholes though.......JK.......JK im dead serious).

        Im going to try to make this story as uncliche (if that's even a word) as possible. I will try to update once a week, but i have softball, student council, choir, and volunteer work. So in other words I have a freaking life.

        So if i forget one week i will update ASAP.

To the left Deigo Barrueco........ the love of my life. I really want to suck that lip ring off of him..........YUMMMMM!!!!


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