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jungkook decided to take jimin to the beach, with the help of his friends of course

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jungkook decided to take jimin to the beach, with the help of his friends of course. he could never plan something like this on his own.

"dude relax! jimins gonna love it!" seonghwa stuffed his mouth with skittles and sent his friends a thumbs up. "dude dye your hair! jimin dyed his for the date." yoongi suggested.

jungkooks current hair style was just long and black. he never really changed it unless it was to brown or dark blue. "really? what color did he change it to? wait when did you get in my dorm?" jungkook scratched his neck and tilted his head.

"that's not important right now. you should do blond, you'd look good in blond. i cant tell you what color jimin did though."

jaehyun nodded in agreement, "blond kook for the win! woo!"

"shut up jaehyun." eunwoo rolled his eyes. jungkook nodded and sat at a chair. "so, which one of you can cut and dye hair?" seokjin stood up before he even finished the sentence.

"me! me! me! someone get me the hair things.. and scissors." jungkook giggled at his friends excitement and nodded.

the plan for the night was to take jimin out to a fancy restaurant then to the beach. their friends, even hoseok, would set up a tent for them decorated in things jimin loved. fairy lights, white sheers, and music.

they would stay out and do whatever jimin wanted until jimin was tired and wanted to go home. 

taehyung planned in for them to kiss but nobody can tell the future.

they had the rest of the day to get everything ready. hair, tent ect.


by the time seokjin had finished with jungkooks hair it was already four pm leaving him with two hours to get dressed and make sure everything was perfect.

jungkook took out his phone and facetimed jimin, he was wearing a hat so that jimin couldn't see his new hair.

"hi kook-ah." jimin smiled, he was also wearing a hat. "so, what color?"

"not telling, lets just say its a very big change from my old brown hair." jungkook sighed and pouted. "i see you changed your hair? what color?"

"you'll see. anyway hyung ill see you later all right? i gotta get dressed and finish setting everything up." jimin nodded and blew small kisses at the phone. "don't stress yourself,  ill be fine with anything as long as you're with me." jungkook nodded and waved bye.

he had a lot to do in those mast two hours.

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