The Mikey Talk

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Donnie walked out of his lab yawning, and stretching putting his hands behind his head as he walked into the kitchen where Mikey was making dinner, and leo and Raph where talking about a comic book at the table,

"Hey don" said mikey

"I gotta talk to you in privet please. that means leo and Raph need to leave.." Mikey said glancing at leo and Raph

who started to get up and walk out of the kitchen still talking,

" Okayy?" asked Donnie sitting down, "what's up?" Donnie asked as Mikey sat down next to him,

Mikey took a deep breath and put a hand on Donnie's shoulder

"Bro... I think you should make a move on have been to slow you should take her out on a date not a hang out, a date.." Mikey said with a bright smile thinking of 2 large pizzas on his mind,

Donnie blinked a few times and put a hand on Mikey's forehead,

"Are you okay mikey? do you need to lay down? I think your sick.." Donnie said taking his hand away from Mikey's forehead,

"No! dude I'm being serious! she's totally digging you! you should ask her out on a date be romantic! make the first move don't let the girl do all the work!" Mikey said with a wink,

Donnie nodded "your right..i will. thanks Mikey, oh and don't grow up on us just yet.." Donnie got up and walked out of the kitchen thinking

"It worked that easily?!" Mikey asked himself as he went back to cooking grabbing his t-phone texting April

Mikey• Don't make any plans! but order pizza!

April• I wont! your the best mike!

~~~in the living room~~~

"That's why it's the best comic book ever made!" finished Raph

"I don't see why a zombie apocalypse is so cool?" leo said looking for the remote to the tv

"Leo babe, I explained this.." Raph sighed "Ya ya I know but zombies aren't that cool, the walking dead is okay and all it's not to die for," leo said sitting next to Raph,

"Well it is to me." Raph said putting a arm around leo, leo leaned into Raph smiling

"Space Hero's is better" said leo nodding

"Sure whatever.." Raph mumbled kissing his cheek.

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