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"OKAY NOW POSE!" THE OVERLY EXCITED BRUNETTE SAYS, as the camera flash blinds you. The feeling of two arms that belonged to two different people envopled your fragile body. An muscular arm was brought to loosely wrapped around your waist as another arm hung over your shoulder. They were rather too close for comfort but for the sake of their album cover, you would go with it.

Despite becoming an upcoming model, you'll never be able to grow accustomed to the blinding lights that happen to flash every second. From the peripheral vision you could see your favorite grumpy raven haired man eyeing the two men who were posing with you as you were in between them.

His piercing gray orbs fixated on them as if he was planning their deaths already. It was an humorous sight to see the short stack furrow his eyebrows whenever his clients would lay their hands on you, even if it was solely for modeling purposes.

But the blonde hand's on your right was inching closer to the slit in your dress, attempting to be as discreet as possible. Feeling bold, you swatted his grimy hands away and gave a quick deadpan at his now flustered state. Hange took notice of your discomfort and clasped their hands together in a fast manner,

The photo shoot has been going on for some time now. As easy as modeling may seem, it's extremely tiring especially when you have your intimidating cousin insisting that you must wake up 7 AM sharp and two men who don't know anything about personal space surrounding you for hours.

Although one of them, Bertie? Bertholdt was it? The tall, slender man was very kind to you and seemed rather uncomfortable with how Reiner was trying to make moves on you as which he later scolded the blonde for.

"Alright! We're done." Their face wore an forced smile trying to cover up the fact that they wanted to beat the living hell out of the blonde, who was introduced to you as Reiner. 

"Great, thank you!" The manager of the two men spoke up, clasping his hands together. Hange only responded with a nod before giving a sly glance at Levi who was leaning against the wall, still holding his deadly gaze on Reiner, who seemed embarrassed.

"You were great, thank you." Bertholdt said as his lips quirked up slightly which you thanked him as well and made your way out of the photo shoot area.

Relief overcame your body as you were now no longer in the grasp of the men and in the comfort of your own dressing room.

You were examining yourself. How your beautiful S/C skin was shone on by the blinding light that came from the fancy mirror and how your hair was professionally done, revealing your best features. You were so lost in your own reflection, you didn't notice the tall, bulky figure behind you.

'what the fuck' mumbling under your breath.

"Hey, y/n was it?" The husky voice that belonged to the dirty blonde haired man who was featured in the photo shoot with you as you were now gathering your jacket to get back home. You quickly turned over to give him a timid nod, clearly not wanting to spark a conversation.

𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 𝐈'𝐌 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒, e. jeager Where stories live. Discover now