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[ unedited n kinda sucks lol ]


the grip your father had on your shoulder gradually became tighter as a way of silently warning you to go on professionally about this situation that was generally your fault to begin with.

you made sure your voice was stern and confident, "My apologies, Mr. Yeager." but the feeling of the knot in your stomach forming didn't go unnoticed as the presence of your father was the cause for it. Mr. Yeager nodded respectfully before letting out a grunt and waving over a waitress.

his whole demeanor was quite intimidating to say the least.

the emerald eyed man behind Mr. Yeager held his gaze on you unknowingly analyzing everything about you. how your mask sat nicely on your well defined face, how you slightly flinched at the man's touch, how your dress fit you like a glove showcasing your curves, how you gnawed at your bottom lip as if you were holding back the things on your mind when the man behind you leaned into your ear.

"Always embarrassing us, I see. Some things never change."

to say the man was interested was an understatement. He was intrigued even infatuated at your sudden presence but his staring session was to come to an end as you quickly rushed away from your fathers touch not before giving him a piece of your mind. your father rushing after you not expecting a whole blowout at his harmful words that were whispered.

leaving his son and Mr. Yeager in the dust at the sudden scene to look at each other in confusion.

swiftly making your way throughout the crowd, "You don't get to disrespect me," each step was heavy as you heard him mumble out incoherent things that didn't seem to reach your ears. "I moved out for a reason and now here I am, doing you" stopping in your tracks to face your neglectful father and pushed your index finger to his chest. "-a favor and this is how you treat me?"

"y/n, you don't deserve respect after what you've done to our family." he removed your finger from his chest, "we raised you and this is how you treat us? Pathetic." the statement made you scoff in disbelief at his delusional thinking.

"You didn't raise shit." every word made an effort for the tears that prickled your eyes to soak into your once angelic eyes that would shine, now dulled out at the sight of him.

if things seemed to be going bad, it was now going to get much worse as you saw out of your blurred vision Levi and your mother making their way towards the bickering pair which happened to be your father and you.

Levi furrowed his eyebrows at the sight of your glossy eyes and protectively wrapped his arms around your shoulder, shooting daggers at Damien.

"Damien, what the fuck did you say to her?" Levi spat harshly at the pair. Your mother was rubbing circles into Damien's back acting as if you've done something to the old man.

"Just reminding her how she's a nuisance to our family," he spoke loud and clear as the words went through one ear and out the other. Raven, your mother was not sly when it came to giving her dirty looks at you through her thick lashes.

Levi scoffed, "you wouldn't be shit if it wasn't for Raven wanting to marry your sorry ass." Both Raven and Damien's face tinted with red at Levi's harsh but true words.

your lip quivered until you couldn't fight the urge to laugh in their flustered faces. "You're nothing without our last name, Damien " after muttering out a couple more swears you've picked up from hanging out with Levi. the raven haired man led you away as Erwin and Hange now came to deescalate the situation,

𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 𝐈'𝐌 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒, e. jeager Where stories live. Discover now