Green valli forest

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Ariana: Where is the body??

Jonh( junior officer): here is it.

Ariana: Did you find any information about this  girl??

Jonh: We are trying to find her family. But.......

Ariana: But  what??

Ariana: Who saw the body first??

   Jhon: 'Rayan'  call the farmer.

Rayan: Ok.

Ariana:  Well you are the guy!!!

Farmer: Yes.

Ariana : Please give us a moment ".

Others : Yas go ahead.
....  (Ariana and Farmer conversation).....

Ariana : So  what did you see??

Farmer: The girl was  running  to the forest and  a boy was following her.

Ariana : do you saw anything in his hand??

Farmer: yes he had knife.

Ariana : Thanks.  Ummm do you know anything about the girl??

Farmer : No. But her big brother work at cafe candy.

Ariana: Thank you.

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