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                                                                                "So, friends?"

The next day she was woken up by a very angry-looking Shawn, "Rose, wake up, now."

"What is it?" She said while rubbing her eyes and yawning.

"Why is Zac telling that your old friend is here?" this caused her sleepy state to go away.

"What? Who? Who is my friend?" She sat on her bed immediately.

"Zac told me that your friend is here, why didn't you tell me? Or am I not trustworthy enough than Zac?" Shawn said through gritted teeth.

"What?" She stared at him for a bit before sighing," Is that why are you angry?"

"Obviously, yes," he yelled, "How could you do that to me? You met him yesterday and you told him but you didn't tell me, I'm your best friend. Why Rose? You could have told anyone else but no, you told that kid when you know very well he pisses me off every chance he can get, why?" 

She sighed again, "I trusted you right after I met you remember?"

He widened his eyes and opened his mouth then closed again. Then he pursed his lips and let out a frustrated sigh, "Is he and I are same to you? I thought I was...somewhat.... special after taking care of you all this time."

"No, Shawn, I-"

"Save it, Rose, I seriously didn't think you would trust that kid as much as me just after meeting him, I didn't think that I would have to raise my voice at you for a person who you just met one day-"

"Shawn, you are over-reacting,"

"Right, I'm a drama king," he said sarcastically, "I over-react all the time," he yelled," I wouldn't be probably this hurt if you fought with me for Beckham." he stormed out of the tent while Rose just sat there shocked. What just happened? Why? She hid her face in her hands. What she had done? 

"Rose, what happened?" she felt someone sitting right beside her. "What's wrong?" 

"Rick, Shawn-" she let out another sob.

"What has this idiot done now?" Rick asked softly.

"He shouted at me...telling that... I trust him and Zac equally.." She managed to say among sobs, "Why doesn't he understand he is my best friend....not Zac... he is mad at me."

"It's okay, he doesn't get so angry easily...he just misunderstood you, he would come round, don't worry," Rick said, "Now get ready, probably they want to test you first."

"For what?"

"Did you forget, Rose, you were brought here for training," Isabel entered into the tent with some clothes, "Stop being a crybaby and get ready, leader doesn't tolerate being late."

"Strange," Rick muttered after she left the tent," She is like a Colton 2.0"

Rose sighed, "Why did I come here? Now I have to take training."

"Just for some days, Rose, I won't let you work for them, you're going home, no matter how good fighter you are."

"Okay," she said with a small smile.

After some time she went to the field where Colton, Isabel, Arnold, and Landon were waiting. She felt relieved to see Landon who gave her a reassuring smile.

"So, Rose, I've heard that you killed a cougar, and I was ordered to train and test you how much good fighter you are," Colton said.

"Wait, she killed a cougar?" Isabel asked shockingly.

"Yeah," Landon said.

There was it again. Arnold, staring at her. 

"How did you come here?" he asked Rose.

" I've told you the story, right?" Colton said slightly annoyed.

"Shut  up, Colton," He said bluntly, "I need to hear the story from her."

"I..I.." She started but his stares made her uncomfortable.


"She has amnesia, you got a problem with that?" Rick said stepping in front of her.

"What?" he chuckled, "It's not a joke, right?"

"No," Landon said this time, "What's your problem?"

"This person...this girl is something else," He said with a smirk.

"What do you mean?" Rick asked bluntly. He clenched his fists as anger was slowly taking in control because of Arnold's attitude.

"Do you even know how smart she is, she must lied to you for her own benefit, that's what she does," Arnold said glaring at her. Shawn suddenly came here as well as others also, and it took a moment to make him very angry as he saw a scared and about to cry Rose.

"You think she needs training? How dumb are you? That girl has more fighting skills than any of you here, no wonder she killed a cougar, she can take down any of you here." He said huffing, "she must made a fool of all of you."

"That's enough, Who do you think you are, huh?" Shawn said raising his voice.

Rose was just watching all these. She must need Arnold's help but the situation was getting out of control. She gulped as she took slow steps to Arnold, and stopped in front of him, "Look, I don't know what have I done before to make you hate me, but I'm sorry," She felt a tear dripping down to her cheeks. 

Why did he behave like this?

Arnold seemed to be affected by that as he let out a frustrated sigh, "I don't hate you, Rose, you don't understand, do you?" She stared at him for a bit, did he just say her name?

 "I don't remember anything, really, I don't even remember my last name, my family, my friends or anyone, I don't remember you, I'm sorry," she looked at the ground sobbing, "I'm sorry."

"Hey, Rose, I had no idea, oh no, sorry, I'm a terrible person, I'm sorry, Rose," He tried to apologize suddenly understanding that he messed up, "Sorry. I was just mad not at you, at myself and the situation we've been through. Rose, you don't lie or make a fool, I'm really sorry, please forgive me." 

He knew very well her sad tears, she couldn't fool him, even if she tried to.

"Okay," She sniffled, "Friends?"

He chuckled, "Friends."

Shawn just stormed away as he couldn't control his anger. Gabby followed him and the others returned to their work.

"Colton, I know her, you don't have to train her, I would tell Jeremy, let her take rest," he smiled at her.

"I don't like him," Ethan said to Rick, "But he knows Rose more than us, we have to tolerate him for Rose," he sighed.

Shawn was punching a tree for releasing his anger while Gabby made her way towards him, "Shawn." 

"What is it, Gabby? First, your cousin, then your leader gave a long lecture, then your guest Arnold and now you? What do you want? Is it not enough for a day?" He said.

"Shawn, I know we don't get along, but whatever you are doing, it's hurting yourself, stop punishing yourself for someone else's mistakes. They don't care but your body cares, it's your body, you have to live with it."

"Finished?" Shawn tugged at his hair sitting on the ground.

"Shawn," she sighed, "It's going to be okay." She took a seat beside him.

"I don't like Arnold," he said.

"Neither do I." She sighed.

  "Take some rest, come on," she said, "You should sleep."

Shawn quietly followed her lead, although they didn't get along, something about her made him calm easily.

A/N: Hello lovelies. How are you?




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