She Gathers

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Charlie will scar for this.

Charlie will burn for this.

Charlie will rage for this.

Charlie will suffer for this.

Charlie will bleed for this.

Charlie was born for this. . .

The stillness of Nature has weight before the feeling is released, and she is no longer in my forward sight

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The stillness of Nature has weight before the feeling is released, and she is no longer in my forward sight.



Long breath in, slow breath out.

Deep in the distance, the crows caw.

It's something secretive, slow, and on the verge of warning.

"Charlie. . ." Lana hesitates.

The crows deepen their voice as my shoulders stiffen, spine bones tighten with the anticipation of something coming.

Everything tingles.

The air shifts against my neck.

"What do they tell you? What are the crows saying?" The voice whispers against my ear where the skin meets the first hairs along my neckline.

The wind begins to blow as if pushing my feet towards the same distance from which the warning is coming.

"I don't know." A stick snaps and the sound echoes all around and not at all. My fingers tuck into my palm—I can feel the sharp points of my nails.

The wind bites into my skin.

"Listen for once in your life. Listen." The voice shoves, and I have to lean back not to be pushed forward.

"If only it was your mother and not you before me now." The disappointment thrusts directly into my back—knife sharp.

Turning slowly to face her, face the voice that's so close to my throat.

The layers of the world peel away from her face revealing stone blue eyes—merciless and cold.

"You fear their voice like you fear your own," her natural voice unfolds. I tremble from the unnatural sound. It's hard to keep my breath from wavering. Nothing inside is steady or calm as our eyes of matching color hold each other still.

She blinks, and I blink back.

Nature looks towards the sky, towards the crows that circle vulture-like on the thermals.

"They are warning me," I tell her. A dozen crows break from the leading group to circle around the others, herding them into a tight darkening circle.

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