The sorting

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Thank merlin that's over Bellatrix thought to herself as the train came to a halt,she stood up reaching for her luggage not hearing the door slide open.She felt a hand grab her shoulder"you know we have people to do that for us don't you" she turned to face the chest of the same boy whom had escorted her earlier that day."Well I'm not as dainty as I may seem riddle,who even has a name like that riddle ridiculous"she said with a scoff as she yanked,her suitcase down from its resting place.Only now noticing her sisters had left the compartment"well perhaps that's just what I am,a riddle for you to solve"the taller boy smirked."Tch,your hardly worth my time at all riddle but let's solve you then" "oh you've figured me out already,well then let's hear it misses black" "hm well let's see,I've known you for less than four hours and I already know that your self centred you probably think your the most attractive man in the world,your invisible you have power because of your status your like every other boy I've met your a stuck up pure blood who thinks they can charm me"silence filled the compartment,Bellatrix prepared herself for a negative reaction to her response only to be met with a giggle."what exactly about this is funny riddle"she said with a slight annoyance in her voice "that's the answer to my riddle is it,well your a smart one I must say" "in all honesty you seem like an awful prick,so if that is all good day riddle" "as to you misses black" he said with a wink as Bellatrix stormed of dragging her luggage behind her.Definitely a prick                                              The smell of fresh evening air,pine and damp flooded her nose as the carriage bumped along the undefined dirt road,she had eventually caught up with her sisters having already taken their places.Tall eery,pine wood trees lined there dim path,the only source of light being the lanterns attached to the carriage.She paused for a moment looking ahead of them,while she did hear the sound of horses she seen none."Thestrals" Bellatrix turned to face her older sister,their youngest sleeping in her side."They're like invisible horses,only those who have seen death can behold them" "oh" Bellatrix said,the silence almost suffocating.But as she always had she bared it as they reached the ancient looking castle leering in front of them,Hogwarts their new home.                                                                                The smell of cinnamon took over Bellatrixes senses as they entered a grand hall,four long tables vacating it each had a worn tapestry hanging overhead.Each of wich a different colour and a different illustration,young first years pushed ahead of them desperate to get a spot in the forming cue at the left side of the hall.The three girls walked towards it,being instructed by a professor who's name bellatrix had not bothered learning to join"this is the sorting" the petite girl next to her whispered as they took their place.Bellatrix noticed that the four long tables were lined with what seemed to be an endless feast,her attention was caught by by a freckle faced second year whoms plate had just appeared to make more food despite being empty moments ago.Hufflepuff she thought to herself,having heard that the house specialised in food magics a filthy house as father had described filled with mudbloods and pure blood failures,a house for the weak." Black,Bellatrix" a voice boomed,bellatrix now noticing that she was atop the line.She strode up towards the top of the hall,wearing a stone face she sat on the stool that stood their.Hundreds of eyes watched her every move,as she looked out at the crowd she spotted a certain brown haired boy staring back at her"riddle"she murmured as he gave her a sly wink.A hat was the placed upon her head,slightly to big"hm,your a special one aren't you" the hat boomed,"ah yes a black I've sorted many a member of your line,so it should be quite obvious where to put you" silence filled the hall anxiety filled her chest "aught to be SLYTHERIN" the hat shouted.The table at the right of the hall cheered and screamed,welcoming her over as she stepped down from the stool taking seat next to her oldest sister who's sorting she had not payed attention.She thanked her subconscious,for sitting her by her sister whom was far from the pest,named riddle though as she picked at the feast in front of her she still seemed to find herself searching for his eye.After an hour of sitting in silence as Andromeda chatted to her new found companions,the night was finally finished students began collecting themselves and walking off,the three sisters following one of Andromeda's new friends to their new dormatrys.Just as they were about to reach the stairs bellatrix felt around her pocket,panic flooding her as she found no wand sitting in it "shit have you seen my wand" "dear Merlin don't tell me you've already lost it we're barley here and your Bella" Andromeda replied shaking her head,"go look in the hall you probably left it at the table " and as if following command,Bellatrix bee lined to the great hall somehow managing not to get lost.As she pushed the grand,dark wood doors open she found an eerily empty hall.The silence was certainly no comfort but she got to work looking for her wand,she looked around under the oak table only finding cold stone floor "now I certainly like this view" Bellatrix turned around to see,the same icy blonde who had escorted her sister earlier that day "fuck of Malfoy" she hissed only earning a hearty laugh from the boy.She stood up to see that he was leaning against the hard castle wall,his hair was tied into a short pony,letting anyone who bothered to look get a good view of his sharply sculpted face "looking for this" he said pulling out a slender black wand,from his cloak pocket"yes actually I am now if you could so kindly,hand that to me then fuck of I would be great full"she said in a calm toned voice."My,my such sass from such a pretty girl,mummy never tell you that a man prefers only the pretty face and not the tounge,I'm sure daddy loves that about you" "I'm sure you would know all about a sharp tounge,you slimey cunt" she stomped over towards him,reaching to grab her wand from him but the icy boy pulled back before she could snatch it from his grasp."ah,ah,ah manners now Bella"he said with a smirk"manners,my arse Malfoy"she said with a swift kick to his crotch.He bent over in pain dropping the wand,before he could react more bellatrix grabed the wand and ran off.                                                                                    After a half an hour of wandering dedicated halls,bellatrix eventually stumbled across a house elf.It wore tattered rags for clothing,it ears drooping down to its shoulders it was missing a pet of its ear as though it had been ripped of "you,elf" bellatrix siad in an annoyed tone the elf turned around slowly his amber coloured,golf ball sized

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