Chapter 5

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FALLING THROUGH TIME is the oddest feeling. When I couldn't control it, it happened so fast that I barely felt anything at all beyond an upset stomach and an aching head. But now, able to will the box of time inside of me open and shut as I please, the process has slowed down and I feel every microsecond of it. It's still disorienting, though not as much as before. It's like reaching the highest point of a rollercoaster and then right when you're about to drop down, everything goes slow and you fall from a dizzying height at a measured but equally terrifying pace.

"How long was I gone?" I ask Daisy, panting. We've been at this for hours in the containment room at SHIELD headquarters.

"Check your watch," she nods toward the shiny silver watch she just gave to me.

"What do you mean?"

"Fitz made it for you. It's set to Flo time," Daisy says and I raise my eyebrows at her, awaiting further explanation.

When it doesn't come, I say, "I have no idea what that means."

Daisy smiles. "It means that it'll tell you exactly how much time you missed. Look, you press here." She reaches over and clicks on the small, high-tech screen of the watch.

12mins48secs flashes at me.

"That's how much time you missed. You left me waiting for twelve minutes. You're getting better at going short amounts of time, getting better at controlling it. We just have one more step to take."

"What's that?" I ask, still impressed by the little gadget on my wrist.

"You need to control where you time-jump to," Daisy says. I look at her sharply.

"You know I can't. I always jump to Brooklyn, no matter where I am in the world."

"You jump to Brooklyn because that's home. That's where you feel safe, it's like a default setting. But you can change that. Flo, think about it. If you can figure out how to control exactly when and where you jump to, then you'd be able to not only travel through time, but space as well. You could—"

"What? Jump into a bank vault and steal some money? How is that even useful?"

She gives me a deadpan look, decidedly unamused. "How is teleporting useful? God, I don't know, Flo. Maybe you could jump into a burning building and save people? That'd be useful!"

"How can I save them, when I can't take people with me?" I question.

"Ok, fine. But you would be useful in a fight. If you got quick enough at it, no opponent could go up against you because you'd be able to dodge every hit, jump around them and they'd never be able to catch you!"

I step back, shaking my head and pulling my sleeves over my hands. "I'm not a fighter."

"I wasn't either before I joined SHIElD," she says. "You could learn to be."

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