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Two weeks had passed since that day when Razor realized his own feelings. He hadn't treated Bennett any differently, but he was a bit more cautious with his actions.

"Gym." Bennett sighed reading the board, "Let's go Razor."

Razor silently followed Bennett to the lockerroom as usual to change. "I think today is a free day." Bennett spoke, watching Razor tie his shoe.

He wasn't sure when the shoe tyung became a constant occurance, but each time Razor helped Bennett tie his shoes, he found that he didn't trip on the laces.

"Thank you~" Bennett spoke, standing up and walking with Razor into the gym.

"Alright class, how about a few quick basketball games!

"Dang it." Bennett huffed,"I shouldn't have said that free day thing out loud."

"Everyone pick your teammates!" The teacher spoke before leaving to go to his office.

A few students looked at Razor and Bennett warily. They clearly didn't want either boy on their team.

Bennett turned to Razor,"We can just play catch by ourselves or rally with the badminton birdie."

Razor shrugged and followed Bennett to the equipment room and grabbed two rackets while Bennett grabbed the birdie.

"If we stay by the side we'll be out of the way." Bennett spoke, grabbing Razor's wrist and pulling the boy with him.

Bennett.. Razor felt tingles shoot down his arm from his wrist and create butterflies in his stomach.

"Okay here. You start with the birdie." Bennett spoke.

For about almost half an hour, the boys played by themselves, rallying the birdie while Bennett talked enough for the two of them.

"I think I'm getting the hang of this!"  Bennett spoke with determination, picking the birdie he had just missed off the ground.

Razor bit back a smile.

"I'm learning, okay?!"

Razor nodded and waited for Bennett to serve the birdie.

Bennett threw the birdie up, and finally managed to hit it on the way down.

Razor gently hit it back to Bennett and watched the boy frantically try and fail at hitting it back.

"Ugh. Let's go get water and waste the rest of class." Bennett spoke, clearly feeling embarrassed.


Razor gave Bennett a comforting head pat as they walked into the hallway to get water from the water fountain.

"I'll do better next time." Bennett spoke with confidence, feeling comforted by Razor.

Razor nodded, standing beside the fountain and watching over Bennett as he drink the water. Not even a second later, Bennett was pulling away, from the water and coughing from drinking it the wrong way.

Razor immediately moved to pat Bennett's back a few and help the boy calm down. A few seconds later, the coughing boy finally caught his breath with a dejected sigh.

Razor put a hand on Bennett's shoulder and looked into the boy's eyes to see how he was doing.

"I'm okay now." Bennett muttered, wiping his pink lips with the back of his hand.

Razor tilted his head, as if asking a second time.

"Yes I'm really okay." Bennett repeated,"Just a bit unlucky that's all." He moved away from the fountain and gestured for Razor to drink from it.

Razor stepped towards it and began to drink while Bennett waited. The moment he finished, the two boys went back into the gym.

Bennett leaned down to pick up both his and Razor's rackets, unaware of the basketball heading towards him. Razor's eyes widened and he rushed to block it, feeling the ball slam against his wrist.

Razor winced and Bennett looked up,"Razor!"

Razor was holding his wrist carefully, trying to not make it hurt anymore than it already did.

"Oh no.." Bennett looked at Razor's wrist which was quickly becoming red. "Let's go to the nurse."

Razor shook his head and gestured for Bennett to go to the lockerroom.

"But I wanna go with you."

Razor shook his head again. He wanted to tell Bennett he'd be back quickly, but he didn't have his phone on him.

Razor brought a hand up to his ear to signify a phone call and Bennett understood,"I'll go get your phone! But I still wanna stay with you."

Razor realized he wouldn't be able to stop the boy so he let it go.

Bennett quickly went to change in the lockerroom and went to the classroom. Bennett peeked into the room to see a few students crowded around Razor's desk.

"You should write it."

"Okay fine." The students were writing on the desk with red and black sharpie.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" Bennett called.

The students turned to Bennett as he approached them. Bennett looked down at the desk and gasped,"What the fuck?!"

The students left the markers on the desk and ran out of the room quickly through the back door of the classroom, snickering to themselves.

Right at that moment, a teacher entered the room.

"Hey! What are you doing in here? You should be in gym."

Bennett turned around quickly,"I was just-"

The teacher noticed the marker,"Did you just vandalize this desk?" The teacher glared at Bennett.


"Come with me."

"I didn't even do this- it's a misunderstanding-"

"Right now!"

Bennett sighed and followed the teacher.


Razor left the nurse's office with a bandage on his wrist and ice. Where's Bennett?

With a sigh the male entered the classroom to see Bennett scrubbing his desk off. Bennett turned around to see Razor,"You're okay!"

Razor pointed at the desk and looked up at Bennett.

Bennett frowned,"Someone drew on your desk and I walked in on them and got them to stop. But right as they left he teacher came in."

Razor smiled softly and ruffled Bennett's hair. He knew the male wouldn't do something like this. If anything he felt bad that Bennett had been caught in the middle of it all. 

With his good arm he pulled Bennett close for a one armed hug.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get your phone to you like you asked."

Razor shrugged. 

"I'll finish this.. sorry I didn't stop them in time."

Razor pulled his phone out of his bag and sent Bennett a message. 

It's not like you knew this would happen.

"I know.. I just.. feel a bit bad." Bennett spoke sadly.

Your concern is cute Bennett.

Bennett read the message and with an unreadable look on his face. "I-I.." Bennett turned away,"I'll go grab your regular clothes from your gym locker." He left the room quickly.

Razor watched the male leave. I ruined it..

With a sigh Razor used his good hand to wipe the rest of the soapy water off of his desk.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

When I'm with You | BenRazor | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now