Chapter 23 - I love you so much ❤

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I didn't sleep well that night, I was in a lot of pain and couldn't get comfortable.

When I woke up for what felt like the 100th time I rolled over and looked at the time, 9:07am, I sighed to myself I had missed Jay getting up and going to work. It wasn't a big deal but it would have been nice to see him.

I got out of bed, had a shower and then got dressed and headed out into the kitchen I noticed Jay had left me a note

Sorry I missed you, it looked like you needed the sleep.
If you want to call me later and I'll come and get you and you can spend the day with the team.

Love you xxxx

I smiled to myself and started frying some bacon for my breakfast. I picked up my phone and dialed Jays number putting the phone on speaker so I could talk and cook at the same time.

Jay picks up after a couple of rings.

"Hey baby you want me to come get you?" He says.

"Yeah if its not too much bother" I reply

"Never" he says "I missed you this morning"

"I missed you too" I say sadly

"I'm on my way now" he says

"Ok ill see you in a bit" I tell him

"Yep" he says and then hangs up.

I continue to cook my bacon and am just sitting down at the kitchen island when I hear the door open.

I look up and smile at the handsome figure that stood before me.

"Hey beautiful" he says coming over and wrapping his arms around me.

I mumble hello through my mouthful of bacon sandwich. He laughs and kisses me and walks over and starts doing the washing up.

Once I've finished eating i grab my keys and badge and we head out.


"You just can't stay away can you" Ruzek laughs as we reach the top of the stairs.

"Nope" I reply giving Kim a hug

"Nice to see you Cooper" Voight says as he comes back through from the interview rooms

"You too sarge" I tell him

"Bay you want coffee" Jay calls as he walks over to the kitchen

"Yeah sure why not" I respond taking a seat next to his desk.

"So I have a genuine question" Atwater pipes up

"Ok" I say hesitantly

"How long have you and Halstead been a thing" he asks me

I roll my eyes I knew I'd get this question eventually.

"About six months" I tell them, jaws drop around the room.

"Whats this?" Says Jay coming back in carring our coffee

"How long you and Cooper have been in each others pants" Ruzek says a big smile on his face.

"You always find a way to make things inappropriate Adam" kim says rolling her eyes.

"I can't believe you've been together six months and didn't tell us" Antonio says loudly.

"Really" I say "its really none of your business who I sleep with" I say

"No you're right" answers Ruzek "but we make it our bussiness who Halstead sleeps with"

"Unfortunately that is true" Jay says shaking his head.

The only person who hasn't had input in this conversation is Turner, I look over to her and she's bust typing away on her computer with a pissed off look on her face, it looks like she didn't know  Jay and I were together.

I smile to myself I was always protective of my boyfriends i think it was to do with the fear of them falling for other girls better than me. But I knew Jays heart was with me, I could tell by the way he looked at me I'd never seen him look at anyone the same way.


We spent the rest of the day working on a minor case that came in it didn't take too long to solve and I was able to do some desk work and Voight even let me interview a suspect which was a surprise.

Jay and I were snuggled up together in bed, he was running his hands through my hair, I always loved it when people played with my hair it made me feel happy and at ease.

"Move in with me" I say out of the blue

"What!?" Says Jay sitting up slightly

"Move in with me" i say again "I mean you already spend most of your free time here it makes sense to make it official," I say simply "but only if you want to" I say hastily. Seeing a quizzical look come on his face.

"I love you so much Bailey-Jay and I would love nothing more than to move in with you" he says smiling at me

"Really?" I say not really believing what he was saying

"Really" he says reassuringly.

He leans in and presses his lips to mine.

It was the first time in ages that I had felt truly 100% happy. I couldn't be more happy that Jay would be moving in with me.

I was finally falling deep in love with somebody who really loved me in return.

It was so hard to describe the way Jay made me feel, I could let my guard down which was always up especially as my mother made my childhood incredibly difficult.

I had always been unlucky in love, so far all the people I had properly dated had been scared off when they met my mother and saw how much she hated the Job I loved so much. That was why I hadn't formally introduced Jay to my parents and vice versa but I knew my parents would flip out because Jay was a Cop.

But for now I was truly happy with the love of my life and nothing could change that

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