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I woke up on this fine sunny day to 'You A Mi Baby' by 'Vybz Kartel'. Argh, gotta get up. Today I'm leaving to go spend the summer with my grandfather that I just recently found out was alive. Apparently he's dying to see me and my little sister Lilly but since Lilly is working then doing some sort of humanitarian work this summer, it'll be just me, granddaddy and a bunch of guards and convicts. Oh joy! –not. When I first found out my grandpa was alive I thought it was great, until I learned he's a prison warden in Texas. Don't get me wrong, I like Texas but the prison thing is putting me off. Not a good first impression.

With a sigh, I stood up and got dressed, I brushed my teeth and hair, applied some mascara to bring out my bright green eyes and some blush to not look too drab, and finished packing. Grabbing my suitcase I went upstairs. "Hey." I said to my parents, sitting at the kitchen table sipping some coffee.

"Hi." Dad said.

"Morning. You ready to go?" Mom said. I grabbed a banana for the road.

"Yep. Hey where's Lilly?" I asked.

"She already left to work but she said to have fun and that she'll miss you." Mom replied. I rolled my eyes while my mom wasn't looking. She finished her coffee and we were off to the airport.


Once out of the Plane, I grabbed my suitcase and in the waiting area, there was a big cop dude ─that kind of looked like a giant 'Randy Orton'─ with a sign that read 'Kathy Hope' on it. I went to him and when he looked at me, he seemed surprised. "Miss Hope?" He questioned with a slight twang.

"Yeah. That's me." He gave me a once-over.

"Sorry, it's just I was expecting more of a little girl, not a beautiful young lady." He said slightly embarrassed. He quickly recovered his composure and offered me his hand to shake. "My name's Mitchell Garner but you can call me Mitch, I'm a guard at Allanville's penitentiary." I shook it and then he grabbed my suitcase and motioned for me to follow him. We got out of the airport and oh gosh the heat it never was this hot in Montreal, I'm glad I wore my faded jean shorts and bustier top, I thought as we made our way to an old red pick-up truck in the parking of the airport. Hopping in I grabbed my aviator sunglasses from my carry-on and put them on as I sat in the passenger seat. 'Mitch' slipped behind the wheel and we were off towards my grandpa's prison. Yay –note the sarcasm.

What am-I going to do there this summer? Lucky me I thought to pack some of my favorite books but I already read them all. Maybe they'll have a library, though if they do I doubt they'll what I like to read which is romance novels.

'Mitch' didn't talk much, actually not at all and when the scenery changed to big expanse of sand, I stated to zone out. "Where here." 'Mitch said as we stopped behing a large gate where guards stood at the top with riffles. It was very intimidating. Why did I agree to this? The car went through and we then stepped out. All the inmates outside looked our way, some gave me catcalls, it was very… disturbing. 'Mitch' kindly took my suitcase and as we started to make our way to the office presumably, another guard came to greet me. He wore the same uniform as 'Mitch' but he was skinnier, still muscular but less hulky-like.

"Miss Hope?" He asked as he took off his aviator sunglasses to look at me. He also gave me a once-over. "My name's Captain William Knauer but you can call me Will." I gave him a tight lipped smile. This dude gives me the creeps, the way he keeps looking at me is like he's one of the inmates that haven't seen a woman in years. "I was under the impression that we were to receive an eleven maybe twelve year old girl not a…?"

"Twenty-one year old woman?"

"Yes." I looked around, it appeared all the attention was on us, every inmates were looking our way trying to get closer, it all made me very uncomfortable. Captain Knauer seemed to take notice and yelled at them to get back to their activities or they would all get back to their cell. He then offered me his arm which I took reluctantly and we went inside the big brown building. 'Mitch' took off in another direction with my suitcase. "Knauer talked all the way to my granddad's office about a future football game against the inmates and how he's a great player and blah blah blah. I tuned him out as I tried to memorized the way to get to the office.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2015 ⏰

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