Hikaru Iwamoto - Bubble tea

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Your POV
Today I'm going to go outside with Hikaru.
He offered to grab a bubble tea after his workout
so I'm getting ready right now.

Hikaru's POV
I was giving my best at the gym as always
It's fun and I enjoy it every day. Ever since
I was a kid I loved being active physically.
May it be through sports or music. That's why
I love being an idol. It combines both. On
top of that Snow Man also uses alot
of acrobatics. It takes a lot of strength
and practice but once it works out it's fun
the fans love it too. ,,Time to stop. It's almost time."
I get off the training bench and go to the changing room and take off my clothes and go to the showers and shower.

Your POV
It should just be a few minutes left until I'm at the gym. I look around and see a cute store. Maybe I should buy some chocolate for Hikaru. He looks like
tough guy but he actually has a soft heart and really likes cute stuff. And sweets too. I go into the store and look around.
After a few minutes I'm done and pay.
I end up with a nice chocolate and a piece of chocolate cake for Hikaru and a piece of lemon cake for myself.
Since we already have a drink we'll get I thought it
might be nice to have something to eat too.
I reach the gym and see Hikaru stepping out. He waves me as he's seeing I'm not far away.
,,Hi Hi-kun" I great him. ,,I see I have perfect timing. Let's go. Did you just finish?" I ask while we leave.
,,Hey. Yeah I just finished. The workout was refreshing. You should try it too. I can help you if you want." he offers nicely.
,,Maybe next time." I laugh.
,,What is that your carrying?" Hikaru looks at the bag I got for my order in the store.
,,It's a secret. You'll see it later. It's a present too. In your interview a few days with Kevan you said that everyone likes presents right? So I'm sure you
look forward to it." I smile brightly while a little chuckle escapes my lips.
,,Eh? You saw the interview? Now I feel a little embarrassed." he says looking
to the side and I swear I could see a small blush.
,,I can't deny what I said there though. Presents are nice. I look forward to it even more since it's from
A little surprised I look at the slightly nervous Hikaru and his embarrassed blush. Was that just now a confession?
,,Any ways! You can tell me your thoughts on the interview later. Let's just get in line for the bubble tea now. Im thirsty." he says quickly and gently pulls me towards the line.
,,Yeah..." I answer still being in thoughts. But there is
no way that was a confession. He's got no time for dating and this relationship stuff. He's a Johnnys idol. On top of that his group is really active
and popular right now. So no way. I'm just overthinking.
,,Welcome! What would you like to order?"
,,I'd like the sweet milktea with tapioca pearls." Hikaru says.
,,I'll take the 46. Thanks."
,Alright, I'll be right back with your orders."
The lady says and starts making our drinks.
,,So? How is work going? I heard your having
a tight schedule nowadays. Is it going to be alright? Aren't you guys overdoing it?"
,,What can we do about it? Kabuki Zero is kind of our thing since we're the main cast. The fans expect us to be there and perform. They paid afterall."
,,Yeah but I'm sure they would be unhappy if something happened or you would feel unwell because of being overworked. You also have the radio shows, television appearances, liveshows, recording, planning, practicing, studying and your own life. Raul also still has school and exams this year. I think all of that is seriously too much now. What is Johnnys thinking? Are you really fine with it like this? Isn't it supposed to be fun too?"
,,I think you worry a little too much. Of course it's a lot but we'll manage it somehow. We can't turn anything back now. Neither time, nor our backs. This is serious. This is what being an idol or even being a Johnnys is like. It's not rare to have tight schedules. We do this for our fans. Without them we're nothing. This is the least we can do for them." he said honestly.
,,You're already doing plenty.. I say muttering to myself.
,,Thank you for the wait. Here are your orders."
,,Thank you." Hikaru said and payed for both.
,,You didn't have to pay for me, you know?"
,,I know but I invited you so why not. Lets
sit down there." he said and pointed at a table.
We sit down and he handed me the bubble tea. I thank him and put the cake I bought on the table.
,,I bought these. So I guess we're even now. Also here." I hand him the chocolate. ,,That's my present for you. It's your favorite brand right? I came across it and bought it for you. Just see it as a thank you gift for your hard work."
,,Whoa! Thank you! It is indeed my favorite one. I'm glad you kept it in mind. Thanks for the cake too and also for worrying about the boys and me. You'll come to one of the performances, right?" he asked smiling.
,,Of course I will."
,,I'll make sure you have a great time then and enjoy
it well. I want to make you happy!" Suddenly I see him smile brightly. What was it now?
Overthinking again?
Or maybe it's really...

                      a hinted confession?

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